Evaluation of marginal discrepancy in metal frameworks fabricated by sintering-based computer-aided manufacturing methods.
PMID: 32601531 PMCID: PMC7314629. DOI: 10.4047/jap.2020.12.3.124.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of sintering procedures on marginal discrepancies of fixed partial metal frameworks fabricated using different sintering-based computer-aided design and computer/aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) techniques.
準備された前臼歯および臼歯アバットメント歯のレジンダイモデル40本を3次元(3D)プリンタを使用して製作し,使用する金属フレームワークの製作方法に応じて4つのグループ(n = 10)に分けた.HM(ハードミーリングによる),SM(ソフトメタルミーリングによる),L25(層厚25μmのダイレクトメタルレーザー溶融(DMLM)による),L50(層厚50μmのダイレクトDMLMによる)の4つのグループ(n = 10)に分けた.金属フレームワークが作製され、セメントで固められた後、実物顕微鏡(×40)で両アバットメント歯の各部位(すなわち、頬側、歯冠に面した面、舌側、歯冠から離れた面)で5つの垂直方向の限界不一致の測定値が記録された。データは、有意水準0.05で統計的に分析した。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty resin die models of prepared premolar and molar abutment teeth were fabricated using a three-dimensional (3D) printer and divided into four groups (n = 10) according to the fabrication method of metal frameworks used: HM (via hard milling), SM (via soft metal milling), L25 (via direct metal laser melting [DMLM] with a 25 µm layer thickness), and L50 (via direct DMLM with a 50 µm layer thickness). After the metal frameworks were fabricated and cemented, five vertical marginal discrepancy measurements were recorded in each site (i.e., buccal, facing the pontic, lingual, and facing away from the pontic) of both abutment teeth under a stereomicroscope (×40). Data were statistically analyzed at a significance level of 0.05.
RESULTS: No statistically significant differences (>.05) were found among the four axial sites of metal frameworks fabricated by sintering-based CAD/CAM techniques. The HM and L25 groups showed significantly (<.001) lower marginal discrepancy values than the SM and L50 groups.
CONCLUSION: Marginal discrepancy in the sites facing the pontic was not influenced by the type of sintering procedure. All fabrication methods exhibited clinically acceptable results in terms of marginal discrepancies.
© 2020 The Korean Academy of Prosthodontics.