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J. Int. Med. Res..2020 Jun;48(6):300060520925653. doi: 10.1177/0300060520925653.

模擬試験におけるETView VivaSightシングルルーメン対従来型挿管の比較:システマティックレビューとメタアナリシス

ETView VivaSight single lumen vs. conventional intubation in simulated studies: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

  • Seok Kyeong Oh
  • Byung Gun Lim
  • Young Sung Kim
  • Jae Hak Lee
  • Young Ju Won
PMID: 32588689 DOI: 10.1177/0300060520925653.



ETView VivaSight single lumen airway tube(ETView)はビデオカメラを組み込んだ気管チューブである。ETViewを使用することで初診時の挿管成功率が向上するかどうかを判断するために,経験の浅い担当者による過去のシミュレーション研究のメタ解析を行った.

OBJECTIVE: The ETView VivaSight single lumen airway tube (ETView) is a tracheal tube incorporating a video camera. We carried out a meta-analysis of previous simulation studies by inexperienced personnel to determine if the ETView could improve the success rate of first-attempt intubation.


ETView VivaSightシングルルーメンと従来の気管支チューブの使用を比較した無作為化比較試験からデータを収集した。

METHODS: We collected data from randomized controlled trials comparing the use of the ETView VivaSight single lumen versus a conventional endotracheal tube in a simulated manikin or cadaver study.



RESULTS: Eleven studies (558 participants, 3,254 intubations, and 19 scenarios) were included. The ETView had a significantly higher success rate and shorter insertion time than conventional intubation in both normal airways (with or without chest compression) and in difficult airways. In addition, the ETView demonstrated better results in terms of a higher rate of Cormack-Lehane grade 1 and a lower incidence of dental trauma.



CONCLUSIONS: Inexperienced personnel can insert the ETView more rapidly and with a higher intubation success rate compared with a conventional tube.