The changes of endotracheal tube intracuff pressures after ear and head and neck surgery-related positions: a prospective observational study.
PMID: 32571751 DOI: 10.1016/j.bjorl.2020.05.005.
INTRODUCTION: The cuff of an endotracheal tube seals the airway to facilitate positive-pressure ventilation and reduce subglottic secretion aspiration. However, an increase or decrease in endotracheal tube intracuff pressure can lead to many morbidities.
OBJECTIVE: The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of different head and neck positions on endotracheal tube intracuff pressure during ear and head and neck surgeries.
右耳(グループ1:n=30)、左耳(グループ2:n=30)、または頭頸部(グループ3:n=30)の手術を選択的に受けている合計90人の患者がこの研究に参加しました。標準化された全身麻酔薬が投与され、ビデオ喉頭鏡の補助によるカフ付き気管内挿管が全患者に行われた。各気管内チューブのパイロットバルーンを圧力変換器に接続し、標準的な侵襲的圧力モニタリングを設定してカフ内圧値を連続的に測定した。最初のカフ内圧値は、仰臥位および中立頸位で18.4mmHg(25cm HO)に調整された。その後、関連する手術を開始する前に、患者に適切な頭頸部の位置を与えた。これらの体位は、グループ1、グループ2、グループ3では、それぞれ左回転、右回転、肩下枕による左右回転での伸展であった。カフ内圧は、各体位後、15分後、30分後、60分後、90分後、抜管前に測定し、記録した。いつでもカフ内圧が目標値である20〜30cmHOから逸脱した場合は、再度25cmHOに設定した。
METHODS: A total of 90 patients undergoing elective right ear (Group 1: n=30), left ear (Group 2: n=30) or head and neck (Group 3: n=30) surgery were involved in the study. A standardized general anesthetic was given and cuffed endotracheal tubes by the assistance of video laryngoscope were placed in all patients. The pilot balloon of each endotracheal tube was connected to the pressure transducer and standard invasive pressure monitoring was set to measure intracuff pressure values continuously. The first intracuff pressure value was adjusted to 18.4mmHg (25cm HO) at supine and neutral neck position. The patients then were given appropriate head and neck positions before related-surgery started. These positions were left rotation, right rotation and extension by under-shoulder pillow with left/right rotation for Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The intracuff pressures were measured and noted after each position, at 15th, 30th, 60th, 90th minutes and before the extubation. If intracuff pressure deviated from the targeted value of 20-30cm HO at anytime, it was set to 25cm HO again.
RESULTS: The intracuff pressure values were increased from 25 to 26.73 (25-28.61) cm HO after left neck rotation (p=0.009) and from 25 to 27.20 (25.52-28.67) cm HO after right neck rotation (p=0.012) in Groups 1 and 2, respectively. In Group 3, intracuff pressure values at the neutral position, after extension by under-shoulder pillow and left or right rotation were 25, 29.41 (27.02-36.94) and 34.55 (28.43-37.31) cm HO, respectively. There were significant differences between the neutral position and extension by under-shoulder pillow (p<0.001), and also between neutral position and rotation after extension (p<0.001). However, there was no statistically significant increase of intracuff pressure between extension by under-shoulder pillow and neck rotation after extension positions (p=0.033).
CONCLUSION: Accessing the continuous intracuff pressure value measurements before and during ear and head and neck surgeries is beneficial to avoid possible adverse effects/complications of surgical position-related pressure changes.
Copyright © 2020 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.