Device closure of a traumatic VSD in a young man with a history of a stab wound to the chest.
PMID: 32547656 PMCID: PMC7283300. DOI: 10.1016/j.jccase.2020.03.002.
胸部貫通外傷で心臓の最も一般的な患部は右心室である。左胸部貫通外傷後の心室中隔欠損(VSD)の発生率は1~5%である.胸部刺傷による右室自由壁破裂を外科的に修復した既往歴のある27歳男性で,術後に経胸腔心エコーで診断された後筋性VSDを記載した.VSDを対称性オクルーダーで閉鎖することに成功した。 < 心臓貫通性外傷は必ずしも右室自由壁に限らず、心臓弁、心臓隔膜、冠動脈、伝導系を巻き込む可能性がある。外傷性心室中隔欠損(VSD)は、オクルーダーデバイスを用いて外科的または経皮的に治療することができる。このタイプの後天性VSDのデバイス閉鎖は、特に右室自由壁破裂の修復のための最近の心臓手術の既往歴のある患者において、合理的な治療法の選択であるように思われる。
The most commonly affected area of the heart in penetrating chest trauma is the right ventricle. The occurrence of a ventricular septal defect (VSD) after penetrating trauma to the left chest has an incidence of 1% to 5%. We describe a 27-year-old man with a history of the surgical repair of right ventricular free-wall rupture due to a stab wound to the chest and a posterior muscular VSD, which was diagnosed with transthoracic echocardiography postoperatively. We closed the VSD with a symmetric occluder successfully. < Cardiac penetrating trauma is not always limited to the right ventricular free wall and may involve the cardiac valves, the heart septa, the coronary arteries, and the conduction system. Traumatic ventricular septal defect (VSDs) can be treated surgically or percutaneously with occluder devices. It appears that the device closure of this type of acquired VSD is a reasonable therapeutic choice, especially in patients with a history of recent cardiac surgery for the repair of right ventricular free wall rupture.>.
© 2020 Japanese College of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.