Vacancy-rich Ni(OH)2 Drives the Electrooxidation of Amino C-N Bonds to Nitrile C≡N Bonds.
PMID: 32543082 DOI: 10.1002/anie.202005574.
Electrochemical synthesis based on electron as reagents provide a broad prospect for commodity chemical manufacturing. A direct one-step route from amino C-N bonds electrooxidation to nitrile C≡N bonds offer an alternative pathway for nitriles producting. However, this promising topic has not been fully explored whether the chemical bond reforming process or the performance optimization. Here we proposed a model of vacancies-rich Ni(OH)2 atomic layer to understand performance relationship with structure. By theory calculations, the vacancy-induced local electropositive site chemisorbs the N atom with lone pairs of electrons and then attack the corresponding N(sp3)-H, thus accelerating amino C-N bond activates dehydrogenation directly into nitrile C≡N bond. Vacancies-rich nanosheets exhibit up to 96.5% propionitrile selectivity at a moderately potential of 1.38 V. These findings will initiate a new pathway for triggering stubborn catalytic reaction in the chemicals industry.
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