Recreational off-highway vehicle crashes resulting in victims being treated at a regional trauma center: mechanisms and contributing factors.
PMID: 32532331 PMCID: PMC7291626. DOI: 10.1186/s40621-020-00251-4.
BACKGROUND: Recreational off-highway vehicles (ROVs) have become increasingly popular in recent years; however, crash epidemiology is not well described. ROVs travel at least 30 mph, and unlike all-terrain vehicles, have a rollover protective structure (ROPS) and seat belts or a harness system for occupants. This study's objective was to evaluate the demographics, mechanisms, injuries, and associated risk factors of ROV crashes.
2004年から2017年までにレベル1外傷センターに来院したROV関連の傷害を負った全年齢の患者を対象に、レトロスペクティブなカルテレビューを実施した。症例はICD-9/10コードとナラティブ検索により同定された。人身および衝突に関連する変数を、負傷した身体部位、負傷重症度スコア、および処分(入院、集中治療室入院など)を含む負傷の転帰に関連して検討した。記述的分析、二変量解析(カイ二乗、Fishers exact test)、および線形回帰分析を行った。
METHODS: A retrospective chart review was performed for patients of all ages with ROV-related injuries presenting to a Level 1 trauma center from 2004 to 2017. Cases were identified by ICD-9/10 codes and narrative searches. Person- and crash-related variables were examined in relation to injury outcomes including body area injured, injury severity score, and disposition (e.g. hospitalization, intensive care unit admission). Descriptive, bivariate (chi-square, Fishers exact test), and linear regression analyses were performed.
RESULTS: Seventy-two patients with ROV-related injuries were identified. The number of injured patients increased over the study period (p < 0.01). Patients were 49% youth < 16 years old, 63% males, and 99% Caucasian. Half of the injured (51%) were passengers, with a higher proportion of youth being passengers (70%) as compared to adults (35%) (p < 0.01). Nearly one-third (30%) of crash victims < 16 years old were ROV drivers. Twenty-nine percent of all crashes occurred on roadways. Almost 40% of injured adults crashed at night, while all youth were injured during the day (p < 0.01). The primary crash mechanism was a rollover (67%). Only one patient was documented as being helmeted, and approximately one-fourth (24%) sustained head injuries and/or loss of consciousness. Other documented injuries included those to the face (20%), chest (22%), abdomen (11%), extremities (58%), and skin (51%). Over 90% of narratives were consistent with victims being unrestrained. Nearly three-fourths (74%) of victims were hospitalized and 26% required ICU care, one-half (53%) of these being children.
ROVにはROPがあるが、ヘルメットや安全ベルトの使用が不足しているため、その恩恵が減少している。ROV 衝突事故で負傷した人の多くは若年者であり、16 歳以上の人にのみ推奨されている車両操作にもかかわらず運転中に負傷することが多い。ローブの運転中や乗り物に乗っている間の適切な安全対策について、より多くの国民教育が必要である。
CONCLUSIONS: Although ROVs have ROPs, lack of helmet and safety belt use are reducing their benefit. Youth are a large proportion of those injured in ROV crashes, often while driving despite vehicle operation recommended only for those ≥16 years old. Increased public education is needed regarding proper safety measures while operating and riding ROVs.