Atrase B, a novel metalloprotease with anti-complement and anti-coagulant activity, significantly delays discordant cardiac xenograft rejection.
PMID: 32529740 DOI: 10.1111/xen.12616.
補体系と凝固系の両方が、超急性または急性の抗体介在性異種移植片拒絶反応の発生に重要な役割を果たしています。アトラーゼBは、Naja atraの毒から分離された新規のメタロプロテアーゼである。本研究では、アトレーゼBの補体活性化および凝固に対する阻害効果、ならびに異種移植モデルにおける異種移植片の生存率への影響を調べた。
BACKGROUND: Both the complement and the coagulation systems play important roles in the development of hyperacute or acute antibody-mediated xenograft rejection. Atrase B is a novel metalloproteinase isolated from the venom of Naja atra. In this study, we investigated the inhibitory effects of atrase B on complement activation and coagulation, as well as the effect on xenograft survival in a discordant xenotransplantation model.
不死化したブタ大動脈内皮細胞株(iPEC)を標的として、正常ヒト血清(NHS)を介した補体依存性細胞毒性モデルを用いて、アトレーゼBのin vitro抗補体活性を評価した。補体活性と凝固機能に対するin vivoでの阻害効果は、アトレーゼBの投与後にラットで測定された。
METHODS: The in vitro anti-complement activity of atrase B was evaluated using a normal human serum (NHS)-mediated complement-dependent cytotoxicity model with an immortalized porcine aortic endothelial cell line (iPEC) as the target. The in vivo inhibitory effects on complement activity and coagulation function were measured in rats after the administration of atrase B. Guinea pig hearts were transplanted heterotopically into Wistar rats with or without atrase B pre-treatment.
RESULTS: Pre-treatment of the NHS with atrase B inhibited the cell lysis of iPECs in a dose-dependent manner. FACS analysis showed that atrase B potently suppressed the deposition of C5b-9, but not C3c and C4c, on iPECs. In vivo, atrase B-treated rats showed a significant reduction in serum complement activity; markedly prolonged PT, APTT, and TT; and a decreased plasma level of fibrinogen. When compared to PBS treatment evaluated at study endpoint, atrase B treatment significantly delayed xenograft rejection and attenuated pathologic damage, the formation of platelet microthrombi, and the deposition of fibrin and C5b-9.
アトレーゼ B は、抗補体作用と抗凝固作用を併せ持つことから、異種移植におけるアジュバント治療薬としての可能性を秘めている。
CONCLUSIONS: The dual activities of anti-complement and anti-coagulation make atrase B a potential adjuvant therapeutic drug for use in xenotransplantation.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.