軽度から中等度のアルツハイマー病に対する薬理学的治療の異なる用量。ベイズ ネットワーク メタアナリシス
Different Doses of Pharmacological Treatments for Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease: A Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis.
PMID: 32528296 PMCID: PMC7264393. DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2020.00778.
Background: Pharmacological treatments play a significant role in treating mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD), but the optimal doses of various drugs used for these treatments are unknown. Our study compared the efficacy, acceptability, and safety of different doses of pharmacological treatments for mild to moderate AD.
Methods: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were identified by searching the PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library databases (all RCTs published from the date of inception of the databases until September 19, 2019). Trials comparing the efficacy, acceptability, and safety of pharmacological interventions involving donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine, memantine, huperzine A, and extract EGb761, alone or in combination, were identified. The primary outcomes were efficacy, acceptability, and safety.
私たちのメタアナリシスには、14,705人の参加者を含む37の研究が含まれています。認知機能の改善に関しては、ガランタミン32mg、ガランタミン24mg、ドネペジル5mg、ドネペジル10mgが他の介入よりも効果的であり、累積順位曲線下表面(SUCRA)値はそれぞれ93.2、75.5、73.3、65.6%であった。SUCRA値によると、EGB761 240mgが受容性と安全性の両面で最適な介入であると考えられました。臨床的グローバル印象については、リバスチグミン12mgが最も高い確率で1位(83.7%)であった。日常生活ではリバスチグミン15cmパッチ(SUCRA=93.7%)が1位の可能性がある。しかし、プラセボと比較して、精神神経症状を有意に改善する介入はなかった。
Results: Our meta-analysis included 37 studies involving 14,705 participants. In terms of improving cognitive function, galantamine 32 mg, galantamine 24 mg, donepezil 5 mg, and donepezil 10 mg were more effective than other interventions, with the surface under the cumulative ranking curve (SUCRA) values of 93.2, 75.5, 73.3, and 65.6%, respectively. According to the SUCRA values, EGb761 240 mg was considered to be the optimal intervention in terms of both acceptability and safety. With regard to clinical global impression, rivastigmine 12 mg had the highest probability of being ranked first (83.7%). The rivastigmine 15 cm patch (SUCRA = 93.7%) may be the best choice for daily living. However, there were no interventions that could significantly improve neuropsychiatric symptoms, compared with the placebo.
Conclusions: Different doses of the tested pharmacological interventions yielded benefits with regard to cognition, acceptability, safety, function, and clinical global impressions, but not effective behaviors.
Copyright © 2020 Zhang, Liu, Cao, Wei, Ma and Li.