サトウキビに関連する窒素固定性根粒菌の多様性:サッカラム(Saccharum spp
Diversity of nitrogen-fixing rhizobacteria associated with sugarcane: a comprehensive study of plant-microbe interactions for growth enhancement in Saccharum spp.
PMID: 32423383 PMCID: PMC7236179. DOI: 10.1186/s12870-020-02400-9.
BACKGROUND: Nitrogen is an essential element for sugarcane growth and development and is generally applied in the form of urea often much more than at recommended rates, causing serious soil degradation, particularly soil acidification, as well as groundwater and air pollution. In spite of the importance of nitrogen for plant growth, fewer reports are available to understand the application and biological role of N fixing bacteria to improve N nutrition in the sugarcane plant.
本研究では,サトウキビ植物の根圏土壌から合計 350 種類の細菌株を分離した。その中から、植物成長促進形質、バイオコントロール、および窒素分解酵素活性に基づいて22株を分離した。その結果、nifH遺伝子の存在と活性、および窒素固定能から、選抜された22株はすべて窒素固定能を有することが証明された。これらの菌株を用いて、16S rRNAおよびrpoB遺伝子の同定を行った。得られたアンプリコンを配列決定し、系統解析を構築した。窒素固定のためにスクリーニングされた株の中で、CY5(Bacillus megaterium)とCA1(Bacillus mycoides)が最も顕著であった。これら2つの菌株をBiolog表現型を用いて機能的多様性を調べたところ、多様な炭素・窒素源の消費と低pH・浸透圧ストレスへの耐性が確認された。接種した菌株はサトウキビの根圏に良好に定着し,その多くは根と葉に存在していた。CY5 と CA1 を接種したサトウキビ品種(GT11 と GXB9)では、nifH 遺伝子の発現が確認された。遺伝子発現試験の結果、細菌接種したサトウキビでは、カタラーゼ、フェニルアラニンアンモニアリアーゼ、スーパーオキサイドジスムターゼ、キチナーゼ、グルカナナーゼなどの各種酵素の遺伝子発現が増強されていることが確認された。
RESULTS: In this study, a total of 350 different bacterial strains were isolated from rhizospheric soil samples of the sugarcane plants. Out of these, 22 isolates were selected based on plant growth promotion traits, biocontrol, and nitrogenase activity. The presence and activity of the nifH gene and the ability of nitrogen-fixation proved that all 22 selected strains have the ability to fix nitrogen. These strains were used to perform 16S rRNA and rpoB genes for their identification. The resulted amplicons were sequenced and phylogenetic analysis was constructed. Among the screened strains for nitrogen fixation, CY5 (Bacillus megaterium) and CA1 (Bacillus mycoides) were the most prominent. These two strains were examined for functional diversity using Biolog phenotyping, which confirmed the consumption of diverse carbon and nitrogen sources and tolerance to low pH and osmotic stress. The inoculated bacterial strains colonized the sugarcane rhizosphere successfully and were mostly located in root and leaf. The expression of the nifH gene in both sugarcane varieties (GT11 and GXB9) inoculated with CY5 and CA1 was confirmed. The gene expression studies showed enhanced expression of genes of various enzymes such as catalase, phenylalanine-ammonia-lyase, superoxide dismutase, chitinase and glucanase in bacterial-inoculated sugarcane plants.
その結果、相当数のBacillus分離株がサトウキビの2つの病原菌Spororisorium scitamineumとCeratocystis paradoxaに対して窒素固定およびバイオコントロール特性を有することが示された。フリーラジカル代謝を制御する遺伝子の活性が増加していることが,病原体に対する耐性の増加の一因となっている可能性がある。サトウキビにB. megaterium株とB. mycoides株を接種したサトウキビにおいて、サトウキビの異なる植物部のNバランスとN同位体希釈法を用いて窒素固定化を確認した。これは、サトウキビの窒素固定性根粒菌としてのBacillus mycoidesの初めての報告である。
CONCLUSION: The results showed that a substantial number of Bacillus isolates have N-fixation and biocontrol property against two sugarcane pathogens Sporisorium scitamineum and Ceratocystis paradoxa. The increased activity of genes controlling free radical metabolism may at least in part accounts for the increased tolerance to pathogens. Nitrogen-fixation was confirmed in sugarcane inoculated with B. megaterium and B. mycoides strains using N-balance and N isotope dilution in different plant parts of sugarcane. This is the first report of Bacillus mycoides as a nitrogen-fixing rhizobacterium in sugarcane.