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J Ethnopharmacol.2020 Sep;259:112967. S0378-8741(20)30758-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2020.112967.Epub 2020-05-15.


Phytomedicinal relevance of South African Cucurbitaceae species and their safety assessment: A review.

  • Aitebiremen Gift Omokhua-Uyi
  • Johannes Van Staden
PMID: 32422356 DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2020.112967.




ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: South Africa has a very rich flora. Many of these species such as those in the Cucurbitaceae family are exploited as medicines for the treatment of various infections.



AIM OF THE REVIEW: The aim of the review was to synthesize the existing but scattered literature of some plant species in the Cucurbitaceae family used as sources of medicines in South Africa.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature survey was carried out on the ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry, pharmacological relevance and safety assessment of the South African Cucurbitaceae used as medicines.


Coccinia rehmannii Cogn.、Cucumis africanus L.f.、Cucumis anguria L. var. longaculeatus J.H.Kirkbr.、Cucumis myriocarpus Naudin subsp. myriocarpus、Cucumis zeyheri Sond.Cucumis metuliferus E. Mey ex Naudin、Kedrostis nana (Lam) Cogn.、Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.、Momordica balsamina L.、Momordica charantia L.、およびMomordica foetida Schumach.とThonnが同定された。これらの植物は、一般的な病気から生命を脅かす感染症まで、様々な伝統的な薬用用途が報告されている。また、抗糖尿病作用、抗酸化作用、抗菌作用、抗癌作用、抗炎症作用、肝保護作用などの生物学的活性が報告されている。しかし、植物の中には伝統的な用途に関連した生物学的活性については調査されていないものもあった。また、ほとんどの研究は、標準化されていない抽出物を用いて行われている。そのため、生理活性成分に関する研究はごくわずかしか存在しない。この種で同定されている一般的な化合物は、シナピック酸、ガリック酸、バニリック酸、サリチル酸などのヒドロキシ桂皮酸やヒドロキシ安息香酸、ナリンゲニン、ケルセチン、カエンフェロール、ルチンなどのフラボノイド、リノール酸、パルミトオレイン酸、ミリスチン酸、ステアリン酸などの脂肪酸、サポニン配糖体、モモルジシンアルカロイド、キュルビタシンなどである。しかし、これらの化合物のほとんどは、生物学的活性について試験されていない。ククルビタシンは、植物に存在する有毒化合物の主要なクラスとして、中毒や死をもたらすことが示唆されていた。

RESULTS: A total of 11 plants namely; Coccinia rehmannii Cogn., Cucumis africanus L.f., Cucumis anguria L. var. longaculeatus J.H.Kirkbr., Cucumis myriocarpus Naudin subsp. myriocarpus, Cucumis zeyheri Sond., Cucumis metuliferus E. Mey ex Naudin, Kedrostis nana (Lam) Cogn., Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl., Momordica balsamina L., Momordica charantia L., and Momordica foetida Schumach. and Thonn were identified. Various traditional medicinal uses for these plants, from common ailments to life-threatening infections were reported. Biological activities including antidiabetic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective were reported. However, some of the plants have not been investigated for some of the biological activities related to their traditional uses. In addition, most of the studies were carried out using non-standardized extracts. Thus, only a few studies on their bioactive constituents exist. Common compounds identified within the species are hydroxycinnamic and hydroxybenzoic acids such as sinapic, gallic, vanillic and salicylic acids; flavonoids such as naringenin, quercetin, kaempferol and rutin; fatty acids such as linoleic, palmitoleic, myristic and stearic acids; the saponin glycosides, momordicin alkaloids and cucurbitacins. However, most of these compounds have not been tested for biological activities. Cucurbitacins were implicated as a major class of toxic compounds present in the plants resulting in poisoning and death.



CONCLUSIONS: Adequate knowledge of the traditional use of these plants in medicine and the parts used are very important due to the presence of toxic substances and their wide usage. Proper screening of the safety of these plants and products derived from them calls for urgent attention.

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