Phosphodiesterase 9a Inhibition in Mouse Models of Diastolic Dysfunction.
PMID: 32418479 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.119.006609.
BACKGROUND: Low myocardial cGMP-PKG (cyclic guanosine monophosphate-protein kinase G) activity has been associated with increased cardiomyocyte diastolic stiffness in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Cyclic guanosine monophosphate is mainly hydrolyzed by PDE (phosphodiesterases) 5a and 9a. Importantly, PDE9a expression has been reported to be upregulated in human heart failure with preserved ejection fraction myocardium and chronic administration of a PDE9a inhibitor reverses preestablished cardiac hypertrophy and systolic dysfunction in mice subjected to transverse aortic constriction (TAC). We hypothesized that inhibiting PDE9a activity ameliorates diastolic dysfunction.
慢性的なPDE9a阻害の効果を調べるために、2つの拡張機能障害マウスモデルを研究した。(1) TAC-デオキシコルチコステロン酢酸塩と(2) .マウスにPDE9a阻害剤(5 mg/kg/日、8 mg/kg/日)を皮下浸透圧ミニポンプを介して28日間投与した。TAC-デオキシコルチコステロンアセテートマウスから分離した無傷の心筋細胞を用いて急性PDE9a阻害の効果を調べた。分離した無傷心筋細胞に心房性ナトリウム利尿ペプチドをPDE9a阻害剤とともに細胞灌流液を介して投与した。
METHODS: To examine the effect of chronic PDE9a inhibition, 2 diastolic dysfunction mouse models were studied: (1) TAC-deoxycorticosterone acetate and (2) . PDE9a inhibitor (5 and 8 mg/kg per day) was administered to the mice via subcutaneously implanted osmotic minipumps for 28 days. The effect of acute PDE9a inhibition was investigated in intact cardiomyocytes isolated from TAC-deoxycorticosterone acetate mice. Atrial natriuretic peptide together with PDE9a inhibitor were administered to the isolated intact cardiomyocytes through the cell perfusate.
RESULTS: For acute inhibition, no cellular stiffness reduction was found, whereas chronic PDE9a inhibition resulted in reduced left ventricular chamber stiffness in TAC-deoxycorticosterone acetate, but not in mice. Passive cardiomyocyte stiffness was reduced by chronic PDE9a inhibition, with no differences in myocardial fibrosis or cardiac morphometry. PDE9a inhibition increased the ventricular-arterial coupling ratio, reflecting impaired systolic function.
CONCLUSIONS: Chronic PDE9a inhibition lowers left ventricular chamber stiffness in TAC-deoxycorticosterone acetate mice. However, the usefulness of PDE9a inhibition to treat high-diastolic stiffness may be limited as the required PDE9a inhibitor dose also impairs systolic function, observed as a decline in ventricular-arterial coordination, in this model.