Prevalence of vulvovaginal candidiasis among pregnant women in the Ho municipality, Ghana: species identification and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates.
PMID: 32375724 PMCID: PMC7201979. DOI: 10.1186/s12884-020-02963-3.
BACKGROUND: Candida is the leading cause of vaginitis, and 75% of women have at least one episode of infection in their lives, with pregnancy being a predisposing factor. If left untreated, vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) can lead to chorioamnionitis with subsequent abortion, prematurity and congenital infection of the neonate. We aimed to determine the prevalence of VVC, identify the recent and most frequently occurring species of Candida in pregnant women, and determine the most effective antifungal drug of choice for treatment.
2018年2月から2018年4月までの間にアンテナリークリニックを受診した同意を得た妊婦176名の高膣スワブサンプルを、カンジダ分離のために直接グラム塗抹と培養を行ったプロスペクティブ・クロスセクショナル研究。カンジダ分離株は、細菌管テストとHiCrome Candida differential agarを用いて同定した。次に、カンジダ単離菌を、2%(w/v)グルコースと0.5μg/mlメチレンブルー色素を補充したミューラー・ヒントン寒天上で、フルコナゾール(25μg)、ニスタチン(100個)、ボリコナゾール(1μg)を用いてディスク拡散法を行い、Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI)のガイドラインに従った感受性パターンを決定した。カイ二乗分析を用いて,参加者の社会統計学的特徴とVVCの臨床症状との有意な関連を確認した.一変量ロジスティック回帰モデルを用いて、VVCの潜在的な危険因子を同定した。
METHOD: A prospective cross-sectional study in which 176 high vaginal swab samples of consented pregnant women visiting the antenatal clinic from February 2018 to April 2018 were subjected to direct gram smear and culture for Candida isolation. Candida isolates were identified using a germ tube test and HiCrome Candida differential agar. Candida isolates were then subjected to a disk diffusion method using fluconazole (25 μg), nystatin (100 units), and voriconazole (1 μg) on Mueller-Hinton agar supplemented with 2% (w/v) glucose and 0.5 μg/ml methylene blue dye to determine the susceptibility pattern as per the guidelines of the Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI). Chi-square analysis was used to ascertain the significant association of participants' sociodemographics and clinical presentations to VVC. A univariate logistic regression model was used to identify potential risk factors of VVC.
研究参加者のVVC有病率は30.7%であった。非アルビカンス性カンジダ(NAC)およびカンジダ・アルビカンスの有病率はそれぞれ74.1および25.9%であった。Candida glabrataが最も多く、Candida albicans、Candida krusei、Candida parapsilosisが続いた。ボリコナゾール、フルコナゾール、ニスタチンに感受性のあるCandida種はそれぞれ50.0株、18.5株、3.7%であったが、ボリコナゾール、フルコナゾール、ニスタチンに耐性のあるCandida種はそれぞれ37.0株、48.1株、9.3%であった。分離株の大部分は3種類の抗真菌薬すべてに用量依存的に感受性を示し、ボリコナゾールが最も効果的な抗真菌薬であった。参加者の社会統計学的情報とVVCの臨床症状との間には有意な関連は認められなかった。
RESULTS: The prevalence of VVC among our study participants was 30.7%. Non-albicans Candida (NAC) and Candida albicans had a prevalence of 74.1 and 25.9%, respectively. Candida glabrata was the most common species, followed by Candida albicans, Candida krusei, and Candida parapsilosis. 50.0, 18.5 and 3.7% of Candida species were susceptible to voriconazole, fluconazole and nystatin, respectively, whereas 37.0, 48.1 and 9.3% of Candida species were resistant to voriconazole, fluconazole and nystatin, respectively. The majority of isolates were susceptible dose dependent to all three antifungal agents, with voriconazole being the most efficacious antifungal agent. There was no significant association between participants' socio-demographic information and clinical presentations to VVC.
調査地域では、水栓症の有病率が高かった。C. glabrataは、ガーナのHo Municipality地域で、妊産婦診療所に通院している妊婦の間で最も一般的なVVCの原因であることがわかった。分離されたカンジダ菌の大部分は、それぞれボリコナゾールおよびフルコナゾールに対して感受性および耐性であった。
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of VVC was high in the study area. C. glabrata was found to be the most common cause of VVC among the pregnant women attending antenatal clinics, in the Ho Municipality region of Ghana. The majority of the Candida isolates were susceptible and resistant to voriconazole and fluconazole, respectively.