Improved Outcomes of All-trans-retinoic Acid and Arsenic Trioxide Plus Idarubicin as a Frontline Treatment in Adult Patients With Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia.
PMID: 32336675 DOI: 10.1016/j.clml.2019.10.003.
INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to explore the outcomes of all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) and arsenic trioxide (ATO) plus idarubicin (IDA) as a frontline treatment in adult patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL).
2008 年 1 月から 2017 年 12 月までの間に、ハイリスク(HR)と標準リスク(SR)の APL 患者 118 例を対象に、フロントライン導入療法として ATRA と ATO 静注+IDA を投与した場合の転帰を解析した。河南省人民病院および同済病院でフロントライン3剤併用療法を受けたAPL患者118例(HR、n=45、SR、n=73)の医療記録をレトロスペクティブにレビューした。併用療法はATOとATRA+IDAの6サイクルで構成され、その後の維持療法を行わなくても6サイクルと比較して同等の臨床効果が得られ、心筋への副作用が少ないことから、1~4サイクルの併用療法でIDAを投与した。
PATIENTS AND METHODS: We analyzed the outcomes of ATRA and intravenous ATO plus IDA as a frontline induction therapy in 118 patients with APL with high-risk (HR) and standard-risk (SR) disease from January 2008 to December 2017. The medical records of 118 patients with APL (HR, n = 45; SR, n = 73) who received the frontline triple combination regimen at Henan Provincial People's Hospital and Tongji Hospital were retrospectively reviewed. Consolidation therapy comprised 6 cycles of ATO and ATRA plus IDA, and IDA was administered in 1 to 4 cycles of consolidation therapy based on the comparable clinical efficacy compared with 6 cycles and fewer side effects to myocardium without subsequent maintenance therapy.
118 例中,早期死亡は 3 例(2.5%),血液学的完全寛解は 115 例(97.5%)であった;115 例中 102 例(88.7%)が導入療法後に分子的完全寛解を達成し,全例が第 1 サイクルの圧密療法後に前骨髄球性白血病-レチノイン酸受容体αのポリメラーゼ連鎖反応陰性であった.5年全生存期間(OS)は93.0%±2.9%,イベントフリー生存期間(EFS)は92.4%±3.0%であった。早期死亡、血液学的完全寛解、分子的完全寛解、毒性はHR群とSR群で同等であった。再発の累積発生率は、HR群では4.7%(n=2)、SR群では0であった。SR群とHR群のOSおよびEFSは同等であった(92.3%±4.5%対92.8%±4.0%、X=0.263、P=0.608、92.3%±4.5%対91.1%±4.2%、X=0.917、P=0.338)。IDA の総投与量は約 181~258 mg であり、心毒性を経験した患者はいなかった。OSおよびEFSは,fms関連チロシンキナーゼ3内部タンデム重複変異の状態には影響されなかった(それぞれP= 0.405,P= 0.528).
RESULTS: Of 118 patients, there were 3 (2.5%) early deaths and 115 (97.5%) hematologic complete remissions; 102 (88.7%) of 115 patients achieved molecular complete remission following induction therapy, and all patients were polymerase chain reaction-negative for promyelocytic leukemia-retinoic acid receptor alpha after the first cycle of consolidation therapy. The 5-year overall survival (OS) and event-free survival (EFS) were 93.0% ± 2.9% and 92.4% ± 3.0%, respectively. Early death, hematologic complete remissions, molecular complete remissions, and toxicities were comparable between the HR and SR groups. The cumulative incidence of relapse in the HR group was 4.7% (n = 2), and the cumulative incidence of relapse in the SR group was 0. The OS and EFS of the SR and HR groups were comparable (92.3% ± 4.5% vs. 92.8% ± 4.0%; X = 0.263; P = .608; 92.3% ± 4.5% vs. 91.1% ± 4.2%, X = 0.917; P = .338). The total dosage of IDA was approximately 181 to 258 mg, and no patient experienced cardiotoxicity. OS and EFS were not influenced by fms-related tyrosine kinase 3 internal tandem duplication mutation status (P = .405 and P = .528, respectively).
HR群とSR群の導入・統合療法としてのATRAとATO+IDAのトリプル併用療法は優れた転帰を示し、このレジメンは維持療法を行わなくても効果的で安全かつ簡便なものであった。トリプル併用療法は、特にHRまたはAPL fms関連チロシンキナーゼ3内部タンデム重複変異を有するAPL患者にとって、好ましいフロントライン治療となる可能性がある。
CONCLUSION: The triple combination of ATRA and ATO plus IDA as both an induction and consolidation therapy for the HR and SR groups attained excellent outcomes, and this regimen was effective, safe, and easy, without maintenance therapy. The triple combination treatment might be a preferred frontline therapy for patients with APL, especially for those with HR or the APL fms-related tyrosine kinase 3 internal tandem duplication mutation.
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