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Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol..2020 06;40(6):1523-1532. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.120.314318.Epub 2020-04-23.


Bmal1 Deletion in Myeloid Cells Attenuates Atherosclerotic Lesion Development and Restrains Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Formation in Hyperlipidemic Mice.

  • Guangrui Yang
  • Jiayang Zhang
  • Tingting Jiang
  • James Monslow
  • Soon Yew Tang
  • Leslie Todd
  • Ellen Puré
  • Lihong Chen
  • Garret A FitzGerald
PMID: 32321308 PMCID: PMC7285859. DOI: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.120.314318.



概日リズムの分子構成要素は血管系の個別の細胞構成要素で振動し、血管機能の多くの側面では日周変動を示すが、分子時計と炎症性心血管系疾患との細胞間の関連性は未だ解明されていない。これまでに我々は、非冗長コアクロック遺伝子であるBmal1(脳と筋肉のアリル炭化水素受容体核トランスロケーター様1)を産前と産後で欠失させると、アテローム発症に対照的な効果があることを示してきた。ここでは、骨髄細胞Bmal1欠失がマウスのアテローム形成および腹部大動脈瘤形成に及ぼす影響を検討した。アプローチと結果。骨髄細胞のBmal1欠失マウスは、高脂血症低密度リポ蛋白質受容体欠損マウスを背景に、Bmal1 flox/floxマウスとリゾチーム2プロモーター駆動Cre組換えマウスを交配して作製し、高脂肪食を与えてアテローム性動脈硬化を誘導した。ミエロイド細胞Bmal1ノックアウトマウスの大動脈前炎症遺伝子発現の低下と同時に、動脈形成が抑制された。体重、血圧、血糖値、中性脂肪、コレステロールに変化はなかった。同様に、骨髄細胞Bmal1の枯渇は、高脂血症マウスにおけるAng II(アンジオテンシンII)誘導性の腹部大動脈瘤形成を抑制した。In vitroでのRNA-Seq解析により、Bmal1を過剰発現させた培養マクロファージでは炎症反応が認められた。

OBJECTIVE: Although the molecular components of circadian rhythms oscillate in discrete cellular components of the vasculature and many aspects of vascular function display diurnal variation, the cellular connections between the molecular clock and inflammatory cardiovascular diseases remain to be elucidated. Previously we have shown that pre- versus postnatal deletion of Bmal1 (brain and muscle aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like 1), the nonredundant core clock gene has contrasting effects on atherogenesis. Here we investigated the effect of myeloid cell Bmal1 deletion on atherogenesis and abdominal aortic aneurysm formation in mice. Approach and Results: Mice lacking Bmal1 in myeloid cells were generated by crossing Bmal1 flox/flox mice with lysozyme 2 promoter-driven Cre recombinase mice on a hyperlipidemic low-density lipoprotein receptor-deficient background and were fed on a high-fat diet to induce atherosclerosis. Atherogenesis was restrained, concomitant with a reduction of aortic proinflammatory gene expression in myeloid cell Bmal1 knockout mice. Body weight, blood pressure, blood glucose, triglycerides, and cholesterol were unaltered. Similarly, myeloid cell depletion of Bmal1 also restrained Ang II (angiotensin II) induced formation of abdominal aortic aneurysm in hyperlipidemic mice. In vitro, RNA-Seq analysis demonstrated a proinflammatory response in cultured macrophages in which there was overexpression of Bmal1.



CONCLUSIONS: Myeloid cell Bmal1 deletion retards atherogenesis and restrains the formation of abdominal aortic aneurysm and may represent a potential therapeutic target for inflammatory cardiovascular diseases.