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Medicina (Kaunas).2020 Apr;56(4). E174. doi: 10.3390/medicina56040174.Epub 2020-04-13.


Risk Factors for Neonatal/Maternal Morbidity and Mortality in African American Women with Placental Abruption.

  • Deena Elkafrawi
  • Giovanni Sisti
  • Sarah Araji
  • Aldo Khoury
  • Jacob Miller
  • Brian Rodriguez Echevarria
PMID: 32295061 PMCID: PMC7230772. DOI: 10.3390/medicina56040174.


:胎盤剥離における新生児/母体の罹患率と死亡率の危険因子は、現在の文献では不完全に研究されている。胎盤破裂の危険因子については、現在の文献ではほとんどの研究がアフリカ系アメリカ人を対象に行われているが、そのほとんどが白人集団を対象としている。本研究では、アフリカ系アメリカ人妊婦を対象に、都市部で発生した胎盤突然死の危険因子が新生児・母体転帰にどのような影響を及ぼすのかを明らかにすることを目的とした。除外基準は、アフリカ系アメリカ人の人種、妊娠20週以上の単身妊娠、胎盤剥離であった。母体の年齢、胎盤剥離の有無、妊娠率、出生率、分娩時の妊娠年齢、分娩形態を収集した。前置胎盤、妊娠高血圧症、たばこ喫煙、クラック/コカイン、アルコールの使用、機械的外傷、膜の早産早漏(PPROM)、膜の早産早漏(PROM)などの胎盤剥離の危険因子を記録した。以下のいずれかが発生した場合、新生児転帰が不良とみなされた。1分目と5分目のアッガースコアが7未満、子宮内胎児死亡(IUFD)、周産期死亡、新生児動脈臍帯pHが7.15未満。出血性ショック、播種性血管内凝固(DIC)、子宮摘出術、産後出血(PPH)、母体集中治療室(ICU)入院、母体死亡:悪い母体の転帰は、以下のいずれかが分娩時に提示された場合に考慮された。 271人のアフリカ系アメリカ人単身妊婦が本研究に含まれていた。単変量解析では、分娩時の妊娠年齢の低さと帝王切開は新生児の転帰不良(0.018;<0.001;0.015)と統計的に有意に相関していたが、多変量解析では分娩時の妊娠年齢の低さのみが有意であった(<0.001)。一方、多変量解析では、溶血、酵素上昇、低血小板(HELLP)症候群、クラック/コカイン使用、帝王切開歴が母体の転帰不良と有意に関連していた(0.029、0.017、0.015、0.047)。また、PROMは単変量解析では新生児転帰の改善と関連し、子癇前症は多変量解析では母体転帰の改善と関連していた。胎盤剥離を持つアフリカ系アメリカ人女性の新生児転帰の最も重要な危険因子は、分娩時の妊娠年齢の低さである。この理解されていない集団におけるより多くの研究は、信頼できる危険因子を確立し、予防的介入を調整するために必要である。

: Risk factors for neonatal/maternal morbidity and mortality in placental abruption have been incompletely studied in the current literature. Most of the research overlooked the African American population as mostly Caucasian populations are selected. We aimed to find which risk factor influence the neonatal and maternal outcome in cases of placental abruption occurring in African American pregnant women in an inner-city urban setting. : We performed a retrospective cohort study at St. Joseph's Regional Medical Center, NJ United States of America (USA), between 1986 and 1996. Inclusion criteria were African American race, singleton pregnancy with gestational age over 20 weeks and placental abruption. Maternal age, gravidity, parity, gestational age at delivery/occurrence of placental abruption and mode of delivery were collected. Risk factors for placental abruption such as placenta previa, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, cigarette smoking, crack/cocaine and alcohol use, mechanical trauma, preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM), and premature rupture of membranes (PROM) were recorded. Poor neonatal outcome was considered when anyone of the following occurred: 1st and 5th minute Apgar score lower than 7, intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD), perinatal death, and neonatal arterial umbilical cord pH less than 7.15. Poor maternal outcome was considered if any of the following presented at delivery: hemorrhagic shock, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), hysterectomy, postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), maternal intensive care unit (ICU) admission, and maternal death. A population of 271 singleton African American pregnant women was included in the study. Lower gestational age at delivery and cesarean section were statistically significantly correlated with poor neonatal outcomes ( 0.018; < 0.001; 0.015) in the univariate analysis; only lower gestational age at delivery remained significant in the multivariate analysis ( < 0.001). Crack/cocaine use was statistically significantly associated with poor maternal outcome ( 0.033) in the univariate analysis, while in the multivariate analysis, hemolysis, elevated enzymes, low platelet (HELLP) syndrome, crack/cocaine use and previous cesarean section resulted significantly associated with poor maternal outcome ( 0.029, 0.017, 0.015, 0.047). PROM was associated with better neonatal outcome in the univariate analysis, and preeclampsia was associated with a better maternal outcome in the multivariate analysis. : Lower gestational age at delivery is the most important risk factor for poor neonatal outcome in African American women with placental abruption. Poor maternal outcome correlated with HELLP syndrome, crack/cocaine use and previous cesarean section. More research in this understudied population is needed to establish reliable risk factors and coordinate preventive interventions.