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Laser Ther.2019 Dec;28(4):291-297. doi: 10.5978/islsm.19-CR-03.


Effective management of focal reactive gingival overgrowths by diode laser: A review and report of two cases.

  • Madhu S Ratre
  • Pratik A Chaudhari
  • Shaleen Khetarpal
  • Pratiksha Kumar
PMID: 32255921 PMCID: PMC7087338. DOI: 10.5978/islsm.19-CR-03.



局所反応性歯肉増殖症(Focal reactive gingival overgrowth: FRGO)は、口腔粘膜の線維性結合組織病変の形で、外部および内部の慢性的な刺激に反応して発生することがあり、歯科臨床ではよく見られる症状である。歯肉は口腔反応性病変の最も一般的な部位です。FRGOの確定診断には、臨床的な診断だけでなく、病変の病理組織学的診断が重要な役割を果たしています。FRGOの管理には、メス、凍結手術、電気手術、レーザーなどの様々な外科的治療法が適用されています。レーザーはFRGOの治療に採用されている新しい治療法です。

Background: Focal reactive gingival overgrowths (FRGO) are a common observation in a clinical dental practice that may occur in response to external and internal chronic stimuli in form of fibrous connective tissue lesions in the oral mucosa. Gingiva is the most commonly involved site of oral reactive lesions. For the confirmed diagnosis of FRGO not only clinical, but the histopathological presentation of the lesion plays a vital role. Various surgical treatment modalities like a scalpel, cryosurgery, electrosurgery, and lasers have been applied in the management of FRGO. The laser is new treatment modality being employed for treatment of FRGO.



Case report: The purpose of this paper is to attempt short review on FRGO with the management of FRGO using diode laser. Here, we present effective management of peripheral giant cell granuloma and peripheral ossifying fibroma using diode laser. The follow-up of 01year showed no recurrence in both the cases.


ダイオードの柔らかいティッシュ レーザーに無血の外科分野、減らされた細菌血症、最低の慣習的な方法上の術中および術後の不快のような利点が加えられました。従ってそれは FRGO の外科管理で非常に有効です。

Conclusions: Diode soft tissue laser has added advantages like a bloodless surgical field, reduced bacteremia, minimal intra and postoperative discomfort over conventional modalities. Thus it is highly effective in the surgical management of FRGO.

2019, Japan Medical Laser Laboratory.