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J Dent Anesth Pain Med.2020 Feb;20(1):29-37. doi: 10.17245/jdapm.2020.20.1.29.Epub 2020-02-28.


Comparative efficacy of three topical anesthetics on 7-11-year-old children: a randomized clinical study.

  • Rupak Kumar Dasarraju
  • Nirmala Svsg
PMID: 32158957 PMCID: PMC7054072. DOI: 10.17245/jdapm.2020.20.1.29.




Background: This study evaluated the efficacy of three intraoral topical anesthetics in reducing the injection needle prick pain from local anesthetic among children aged 7-11 years old.


本試験は、7~11歳の被験者(n=90)を対象としたプロスペクティブ、インターベンショナル、パラレルデザイン、単盲検、無作為化臨床試験で、包括基準に基づいて実施された。被験者は、1:1:1:1の割り付け比率でコンピュータによる無作為化に基づいて3つのグループに分けられた。A群、B群、およびC群は、ベンゾカイン20%ゼリー(ムコパインゲル、ICPA health products Ltd、インド、アンクレシュワーラ)、セタカイン麻酔液(Cetylite Industries, Inc、ペンシルソーケン、ニュージャージー州)、およびEMLAクリーム(2%AstraZeneca UK Ltd、イギリス、ルートン)を、それぞれ製造業者の指示に従って、局所麻酔薬注射の1分間前に投与した。局所麻酔薬塗布後、全群について、ベースラインの術前(局所麻酔薬投与前)と術後(局所麻酔薬投与後)の脈拍数のスコアをパルスオキシメータ(Gibson、Fingertip Pulse Oximeter、MD300C29、Beijing Choice Electronic)を用いて記録した。術前(すなわち、局所麻酔の投与中)のスコアは、顔、足、活動、泣き声、慰め(FLACC)スケール、Modified Children hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale(CPS)行動評価スケール、およびFaces Pain Scale(FPS-R)-改訂(自己報告された痛みのために)を使用して記録された。CPSとFLACCスケールは行動評価スケールであるのに対し、FPS-R - Revisedとパルスオキシメーターを用いて、自己申告による直接的な指標と生理的な指標をそれぞれ確認した。3群間の平均差を検定するために、ポストホック検定を用いた片道ANOVAを用いた。統計的有意性については、P < 0.05の両側確率値を有意とした。

Methods: It is a prospective, Interventional, parallel design, single-blind, randomized clinical trial in which subjects (n=90) aged 7-11 years were included in the study based on an inclusion criteria. Subjects were divided into three groups based on computer-generated randomization with an allocation ratio of 1:1:1. Groups A, B, and C received benzocaine 20% jelly (Mucopain gel, ICPA health products Ltd, Ankleshwar, India), cetacaine anesthetic liquid (Cetylite Industries, Inc, Pennsauken, NJ), and EMLA cream (2% AstraZeneca UK Ltd, Luton, UK), respectively, according to manufacturer's instructions, for 1 minute prior to local anesthetic injection. After application of topical anesthetic agent, for all the groups, baseline pre-operative (prior to topical anesthetic administration) and post-operative scores (after local anesthetic administration) of pulse rate was recorded using Pulse oximeter (Gibson, Fingertip Pulse Oximeter, MD300C29, Beijing Choice Electronic). Peri-operative (i.e., during the administration of local anesthesia) scores were recorded using Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability (FLACC) Scale, Modified Children hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale (CPS) behavior rating scale, and Faces Pain Scale (FPS-R) - Revised (For self-reported pain). Direct self-reported and physiological measures were ascertained using FPS-R - Revised and Pulse oximeter, respectively, whereas CPS and FLACC scales assessed behavioral measures. To test the mean difference between the three groups, a one way ANOVA with post hoc tests was used. For statistical significance, a two-tailed probability value of P < 0.05 was considered as significant.



Results: The Cetacaine group had significantly lower pain scores for self-report (P < 0.001), behavioral, and physiological measures (P < 0.001) than the other two groups. However, there was no significant difference between the Benzocaine group and EMLA group during palatal injection prick.



Conclusion: Cetacaine can be considered as an effective topical anesthetic agent compared to benzocaine 20% jelly (Mucopain gel) and EMLA cream.

Copyright © 2020 Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine.