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Sci. Total Environ..2020 Jun;719:137361. S0048-9697(20)30871-8. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137361.Epub 2020-02-19.

絶滅の危機に瀕している真珠貝Margaritifera margaritiferaの脅威としての小水力発電所

Small hydropower plants as a threat to the endangered pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera.

  • Ronaldo Sousa
  • André Ferreira
  • Francisco Carvalho
  • Manuel Lopes-Lima
  • Simone Varandas
  • Amílcar Teixeira
  • Belinda Gallardo
PMID: 32135319 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137361.


淡水産のムール貝は、生息地の喪失や分断などにより世界的に急速に減少しているが、小水力発電所の影響についてはほとんど知られていない。ここでは、小水力発電所が、絶滅危惧種である真珠貝Margaritifera margaritiferaの個体数とサイズ構造に与える影響を評価した。ダムの上流と下流、貯水池内の3つのポルトガルの河川(Mende、Rabaçal、Tuela)で66地点をサンプリングした。その結果、ダム下流(97.4%増)や貯水池内(98.5%増)よりも上流の方が、パールムール貝の数が有意に多かった。さらに、幼魚はほとんどがダム上流に生息していた。観察されたパターンを説明する最も重要な環境変化は、土砂の特性(貯水池における微細な土砂と有機物の蓄積)と水の化学的変化に関連しており、特に懸濁物質(貯水池で最も高い値)と溶存酸素(貯水池で最も低い値)に関連していた。全体的に見て、小規模な水力発電所は真珠貝の個体数に大きな影響を与えうることが示された。今後、真珠貝の保全に向けた管理対策としては、今回の結果を考慮して、真珠貝川に新たなダムを建設しないこと、下流域の河川流量の管理を改善すること、真珠貝川のダムの廃止を検討し、貯水池や下流域の影響下にある河川区間の再自然化に特に注意を払うことが必要であると考えられる。

Freshwater mussels are undergoing rapid global declines due to habitat loss and fragmentation, among other factors, but little is known about the effects of small hydropower plants. Here we assessed the impact of small hydropower plants on the abundance and size structure of the imperilled pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera. For this, we sampled 66 sites in three Portuguese rivers (Mente, Rabaçal and Tuela) located upstream and downstream of dams and within the reservoirs. Pearl mussels were significantly more abundant upstream than downstream of dams (97.4% more) or within reservoirs (98.5% more). In addition, juveniles were mostly found upstream of dams. The most significant environmental alterations that explained the observed patterns were related to changes in sediment characteristics (accumulation of fine sediments and organic matter in reservoirs) and water chemistry, most notably suspended solids (highest values in reservoirs) and dissolved oxygen (lowest values in reservoirs). Overall, results show that small hydropower plants can deeply affect pearl mussel populations: specimens almost disappeared from the areas within the reservoirs and sites located downstream only retained adults without signs of recent recruitment. Future management measures devoted to the conservation of pearl mussels should take into account the results reported here to avoid the construction of new dams in pearl mussel rivers; improve management of the river flow in downstream areas; and consider the decommissioning of dams in pearl mussel rivers with a particular attention devoted to the re-naturalization of river sections under the influence of the reservoir and downstream areas.

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