Functional changes of the lateral pterygoid muscle in patients with temporomandibular disorders: a pilot magnetic resonance images texture study.
PMID: 32049744 PMCID: PMC7065862. DOI: 10.1097/CM9.0000000000000658.
BACKGROUND: Texture features were the intrinsic properties of the human tissues and could efficiently detect the subtle functional changes of involved tissue. The pathologic changes of the lateral pterygoid muscle (LPM) were significantly correlated with the temporomandibular disc displacement. However, the occult functional changes of LPM could not be detected by the naked eye on the medical images. The current study was aimed to evaluate the functional changes of the LPM in the patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) using texture analysis.
2019年2月から2019年9月までに中国人民解放軍総合病院海南病院のTMDクリニックから連続して募集したTMD患者29名を3.0T MRスキャナーで磁気共鳴(MR)画像撮影した。患者を椎間板変位の有無により,椎間板変位なし(DWoD),椎間板変位縮小あり(DDWR),椎間板変位縮小なし(DDWoR)の3群に分類した.軸方向T2強調画像上のLPMのテクスチャ解析には、グレーレベル共起行列法を適用した。テクスチャの特徴は、角度2次モーメント、コントラスト、相関、逆異方性モーメント、エントロピーを含んでいた。グループ化比較には一方向分散分析を用い、テクスチャパラメータの診断効果を評価するために受信機操作特性(ROC)曲線分析を適用した。
METHODS: Twenty-nine patients with TMD were performed with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging on a 3.0T MR scanner, who were consecutively recruited from the TMD clinic of Hainan Hospital of Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital from February 2019 to September 2019. The patients were classified into three groups according to the disc displacement: disc without displacement (DWoD), disc displacement with reduction (DDWR) and disc displacement without reduction (DDWoR). The gray-level co-occurrence matrix method was applied with the texture analysis of LPM on the axial T2-weighted imaging. The texture features included angular second moment, contrast, correlation, inverse different moment, and entropy. One-way analysis of variance was used for grouped comparisons and receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve analysis was applied to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of the texture parameters.
LPM のテクスチャコントラストは、DDWoD(123.85 [105.06, 143.23]; テスト統計量は"Zs_200A"="Zs_200A"23.05; P"Zs_200A"<"Zs_200A"0.001)よりもDDWoR(46.30 [35.03, 94.48])の方が有意に低いことが示された。LPMのテクスチャエントロピーは、DWoD(7.62"Zs_200A"±"Zs_200A"0.33)、DDWR(6.76"Zs_200A"±"Zs_200A"0.35)、DDWoR(6.46"Zs_200A"±"Zs_200A"0.35)の間で有意な差を示した。46"Zs_200A"±"Zs_200A"0.39)(PDWoD-DDWR"Zs_200A"<"Zs_200A"0.001、PDWoD-DDWoR"Zs_200A"<"Zs_200A"0.001、PDWoD-DDWoR"Zs_200A"="Zs_200A"0.014)。ROC曲線下面積(AUC)は、DWoD-DDWR(AUC"Zs_200A"="Zs_200A"0.96)とDWoD-DDWoR(AUC"Zs_200A"="Zs_200A"0.98)において、テクスチャエントロピーが優れた診断精度を持つことを示した。
RESULTS: Texture contrast of LPM presented significantly lower in DDWoR (46.30 [35.03, 94.48]) than that in DWoD (123.85 [105.06, 143.23]; test statistic = 23.05; P < 0.001). Texture entropy of LPM showed significant differences among DWoD (7.62 ± 0.33), DDWR (6.76 ± 0.35), and DDWoR (6.46 ± 0.39) (PDWoD-DDWR < 0.001, PDWoD-DDWoR < 0.001, and PDDWR-DDWoR = 0.014). Area under the ROC curve (AUC) demonstrated that texture entropy had an excellent diagnostic accuracy for DWoD-DDWR (AUC = 0.96) and DWoD-DDWoR (AUC = 0.98).
CONCLUSION: The texture contrast and entropy could identify the altered functional status of LPM in patients with TMD and could be considered as the effective imaging biomarker to evaluate the functional changes of LPM in TMD.