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Andrology.2020 May;8(3):769-779. doi: 10.1111/andr.12757.Epub 2020-02-03.


Restoration of erectile function by suppression of corporal apoptosis and oxidative stress with losartan in aged rats with erectile dysfunction.

  • Yi Wang
  • Yamin Wang
  • Rong Cong
  • Ye Tian
  • Chen Chen
  • Yichun Wang
  • Qijie Zhang
  • Xiang Zhou
  • Chengjian Ji
  • Xianghu Meng
  • Ninghong Song
PMID: 31968148 DOI: 10.1111/andr.12757.




BACKGROUND: The prevalence of erectile dysfunction (ED) increases progressively with age, but its potential pathophysiology has not been fully demonstrated. Hence, this article was aimed to identify the functional and morphological characterization of the corpus cavernosum in aged rats and to evaluate the effects of the Angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonist losartan on age-related ED (AED).


合計40匹の若齢・高齢のSprague Dawleyラットを、正常対照としての若齢ラット(YNC)群、正常な勃起機能を有する高齢ラット(ANC)群、EDを有する高齢ラット(AED)群、ロサルタンを投与したAED(AED+ロサルタン)群の4つの群(各群n=10)に無作為に分けた。治療群にはロサルタン(30mg/kg)を 1 日 1 回経口投与し、4 週間投与した。勃起機能はピーク胸腔内圧(ICP)/平均動脈圧(MAP)の比で測定し、関連組織を採取して透過型電子顕微鏡、免疫組織化学、Masson's trichrome's染色、TUNEL、カスパーゼ-3活性アッセイ、ウエスタンブロットを行った。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 40 young and aged Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into four groups (n = 10 per group): young rats as normal controls (YNC) group; aged rats with normal erectile function (ANC) group; aged rats with ED (AED) group; and a losartan-treated AED (AED + Losartan) group. The treated group received losartan (30 mg/kg) once daily oral gavage for 4 weeks. Erectile function was measured by the ratio of peak intracavernous pressure (ICP)/mean arterial pressure (MAP), and relevant tissues were harvested for transmission electron microscopy, Immunohistochemistry, Masson's trichrome staining, TUNEL, caspase-3 activity assay and Western blot.


ロサルタン投与群では、対照群と比較して、勃起反応が低下し、アポトーシス、線維化、酸化ストレスの役割が増加した。ロサルタンを4週間毎日投与したところ、勃起機能をわずかに回復させ、AEDの体細胞のアポトーシス、線維化、酸化ストレスを有意に減衰させることができた。しかし、対照群と比較しても遜色のない結果が得られた。また、Bax/Bcl-2、Nrf2/Keap-1、フィブロネクチン、HO-1、カスパーゼ-3 活性の発現量はAED群で有意に低かったが、ロサルタンはAEDのこれらの変化を有意に減衰させることができたが、対照群と比較して有意な結果は得られなかった。

RESULTS: The AED group exhibited decreases in erectile response and increases in the role of apoptosis, fibrosis as well as oxidative stress, compared with the control groups. After daily administration of losartan for four weeks, it could slightly restore erectile function and significantly attenuate corporal apoptosis, fibrosis, and oxidative stress of AED. However, the result was still not comparable with that of the control groups. Moreover, the expression levels of p-Bad/Bad and p-AKT/AKT were significantly lower, whereas the expression levels of Bax/Bcl-2, Nrf2/Keap-1, Fibronectin, HO-1, and caspase-3 activity were significantly higher in the AED groups and while losartan could significantly attenuate these changes of AED, it was still not comparable with that of the control groups.


その結果、ロサルタン投与により、AED の勃起機能が回復するだけでなく、Akt/Bad/Bax/caspase-3 及び Nrf2/Keap-1 経路を抑制することで、体細胞のアポトーシスや酸化ストレスを有意に抑制することが示唆された。

CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicated that administration of losartan not merely restored erectile function, but also significantly prevented corporal apoptosis and oxidative stress in AED by suppressing the Akt/Bad/Bax/caspase-3 and Nrf2/Keap-1 pathways.

© 2020 American Society of Andrology and European Academy of Andrology.