II級不正咬合に対するクリアアライナー治療が、成人の上気道形態および日中の眠気に及ぼす影響。A case series
Effects of clear aligner therapy for Class II malocclusion on upper airway morphology and daytime sleepiness in adults: A case series.
PMID: 31879193 DOI: 10.1016/j.ortho.2019.12.002.
INTRODUCTION: To evaluate the effects of clear aligner therapy (CAT) on the upper airway dimensions and on daytime sleepiness in adults with dentoskeletal Class II malocclusion.
本研究は2017年8月から2019年2月まで実施した。組み入れ基準は、健康な成人≧18歳で、Angle Class II division 1の不正咬合、第一大臼歯関係がend-to-end以上、オーバージェット<10mmで、アライナーを用いたマルチアーチの包括的矯正治療を希望して来院した。治療方法は、クラスIIエラスティックによる下顎歯槽骨の前進と、アライナーにプログラムされた上顎のシーケンシャルディスタライゼーションでした。治療後の歯骨格および上気道の変化をCBCT画像を用いて評価した。また、日中の眠気に対する治療効果をEpworth Sleepiness Scale(ESS)を用いて評価した。
METHODS: This study was conducted from August 2017 to February 2019. Inclusion criteria were healthy adults≥18years old, Angle Class II division 1 malocclusion, first-molar relationship of end-to-end or greater, overjet<10mm, and presenting for multi-arch comprehensive orthodontic treatment with aligners. Treatment mechanics included mandibular dentoalveolar advancement with Class II elastics without maxillary sequential distalization programmed into aligners. Post-treatment changes in dentoskeletal and upper airway dimensions were assessed using CBCT images. The treatment effect on daytime sleepiness was evaluated using an Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS).
RESULTS: Eight subjects were included in this pilot study (mean age at treatment initiation=44.6years [SD=15.3]). The mean treatment duration was 12.2months (SD=3.4). No statistically significant treatment changes were observed in upper airway dimensions or dentoskeletal cephalometric analyses. Subjects with excessive daytime sleepiness at pre-treatment reported an improvement post-treatment, but no significant difference in the mean ESS score was found.
CONCLUSION: Treatment of Class II division 1 malocclusion in adults by mandibular dentoalveolar advancement using CAT has no statistically significant effects on the airway and dentoskeletal measurements, or daytime sleepiness.
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