MiR-130a-5p/Foxa2 axis modulates fetal lung development in congenital diaphragmatic hernia by activating the Shh/Gli1 signaling pathway.
PMID: 31843527 DOI: 10.1016/j.lfs.2019.117166.
AIMS: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a lethal birth defect characterized by congenital lung malformation, and the severity of pulmonary hypoplasia directly affects the prognosis of infants with CDH. Using a nitrofen-induced CDH rat model, we previously reported that Foxa2 expression was downregulated in CDH lungs by proteomics analysis. Here, we investigate the role of miR-130a-5p/Foxa2 axis in lung development of the nitrofen-induced CDH and evaluate its potential role in vivo prenatal therapy.
ラットCDHモデルを確立するために、ニトロフェンを胚日(E)8.5に経口投与し、胎児肺をE13.5、E15.5、E17.5、E19.5およびE21.5に採取した。Foxa2 mRNA上のmiR-130a-5pの結合部位をバイオインフォマティクス予測ソフトウェアを用いて同定し、ルシフェラーゼアッセイで検証した。また、miR-130a-5pとFoxa2の発現量をqRT-PCR、ISH、IHC、ウエスタンブロットを用いて検出した。また、CDHに関連した肺の発生におけるmiR-130a-5p/Foxa2軸の役割をex vivoの肺原虫を用いて検討した。
MAIN METHODS: Nitrofen was orally administrated on embryonic day (E) 8.5 to establish a rat CDH model, and fetal lungs were collected on E13.5, E15.5, E17.5, E19.5 and E21.5. The binding sites of miR-130a-5p on Foxa2 mRNA were identified using bioinformatics prediction software and were validated via luciferase assay. The expression levels of miR-130a-5p and Foxa2 were detected using qRT-PCR, ISH, IHC and western blotting. The role of miR-130a-5p/Foxa2 axis in CDH-associated lung development was investigated in ex vivo lung explants.
その結果、CDH肺組織ではFoxa2がダウンレギュレーションされ、Foxa2がアップレギュレーションされるとCDH分岐形態形成が改善されることがわかった。一方、CDH肺ではmiR-130a-5pが有意にアップレギュレーションされており、Foxa2とは逆相関していることを明らかにした。miR-130a-5pを増加させると、Foxa2が駆動するShh/Gli1シグナルが減少し、ex vivo肺原体での分岐形態形成が抑制されることがわかった。
KEY FINDINGS: We found that Foxa2 was downregulated in CDH lung tissues, and Foxa2 upregulating improved CDH branching morphogenesis in ex vivo lung explants. Meanwhile, we also showed that miR-130a-5p was significantly upregulated in CDH lungs and thus inversely correlated with Foxa2. Increasing miR-130a-5p abundance with mimics decreases Foxa2-driven Shh/Gli1 signaling and inhibits branching morphogenesis in ex vivo lung explants.
SIGNIFICANCE: This study was the first to show that the miR-130a-5p/Foxa2 axis played a crucial role in CDH-associated pulmonary hypoplasia. These findings may provide relevant insights into the prenatal diagnosis and prenatal therapy of CDH.
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