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J Periodontol.2020 Mar;91(3):299-310.


Is periodontal phenotype modification therapy beneficial for patients receiving orthodontic treatment? An American Academy of Periodontology best evidence review.

PMID: 31670836




BACKGROUND: Orthodontic treatment can greatly impact the periodontium, especially in dentitions with a thin periodontal phenotype. Orthodontic tooth movement can result into iatrogenic sequelae to these vulnerable anatomic conditions, such as development and exacerbation of bony dehiscence or fenestration defects, which can manifest loss of periodontal support and gingival recession (GR). This systematic review aimed to investigate whether periodontal phenotype modification therapy (PhMT) involving hard tissue augmentation (PhMT-b) or soft tissue augmentation (PhMT-s) has clinical benefits for patients undergoing orthodontic treatment.



METHODS: An electronic search was performed in two major databases for journals published in English language from January 1975 to January 2019 and a hand search of printed journals was also performed to identify human clinical trials reporting clinical and radiographic outcomes of patients receiving orthodontic treatment with or without hard and soft tissue augmentation procedures. Data were extracted and organized into tables for qualitative assessment.


歯列矯正治療を受けている患者におけるPhMTの治療成績を評価した8件の研究が同定された。6つの研究では、コルチコトミー支援矯正治療(CAOT)と同時に骨補強を行い、PhMT-bを受けた患者を評価しており、他の2つの研究では歯の移動の前にPhMT-sを受けた。CAOTを行わずPhMT-b単独で調査した研究はなく、ほとんどの研究が下顎前方除圧運動に焦点を当てたものであった。研究デザインに高い異質性があり、報告された結果にも一貫性がないため、メタアナリシスは実施されなかった。現時点でのエビデンスは、硬組織補強を伴うCAOTが歯の移動を促進することを支持している。しかし,PhMT-bを用いたCAOTが従来の矯正治療と比較して全体の治療期間を短縮することを支持する直接的な比較研究は2件のみであった.両群とも歯周病合併症や重度の歯根吸収の所見は報告されていない。4つの研究でPhMT-bのX線写真評価が行われ、治療後にX線写真の密度の増加または顔面骨の厚みが示された。2 つの研究では、歯の移動の拡大が報告された。1件の研究では、CAOT+PhMT-b後の角化組織幅の増加が報告され、10年間の追跡調査を行った別の研究では、従来の歯の移動のみと比較して、下顎不規則性指数を用いた再発の程度が低くなることが示された。2つの研究では、矯正治療前のPhMT-sの効果を検証しています。残念ながら、研究数が少なく、結果が矛盾しているため、結論を出すことはできない。

RESULTS: Eight studies were identified evaluating the outcomes of PhMT in patients undergoing orthodontic therapy. Six studies evaluated patients receiving PhMT-b via corticotomy-assisted orthodontic therapy (CAOT) and simultaneous bone augmentation while the other two received PhMT-s before tooth movement. No studies investigated PhMT-b alone without CAOT and most studies focused on the mandibular anterior decompensation movements. There was high heterogeneity in the study design and inconsistency of the reported outcomes; therefore, a meta-analysis was not performed. Evidence at this moment supports CAOT with hard tissue augmentation accelerated tooth movement. However, only two studies provided direct comparison to support that CAOT with PhMT-b reduced the overall treatment time compared with conventional orthodontic treatment. No periodontal complications or evidence of severe root resorption were reported for both groups. Four studies provided radiographic assessment of the PhMT-b and demonstrated increased radiographic density or thicker facial bone after the treatment. Two studies reported an expanded tooth movement. One study reported an increase in keratinized tissue width post-CAOT plus PhMT-b, while another study with a 10-year follow-up showed a lower degree of relapse using the mandibular irregularity index when compared with conventional tooth movement alone. Two studies examined the effect of PhMT-s before orthodontic treatment. Unfortunately, no conclusions can be drawn because of the limited number of studies with contradicting outcomes.


このシステマティックレビューに含まれる限られた研究において、CAOT と共に微粒子骨移植を介した PhMT-b は、歯周病表現型の修正、顔面骨の厚みの維持または増強、歯の移動の促進、矯正治療中の歯の移動の安全な範囲 の拡大などの臨床利益をもたらすと思われる。PhMT-s単独での歯列矯正治療の利点は、利用可能な研究が限られているため、まだ確定していない。しかし、PhMT-bは、歯の矯正治療を受けている患者さんにとって、多くの利点が期待できると思われます。下顎前歯部以外の手術部位や移植材の効果を検討するために、より質の高い無作為化比較試験や長期間の追跡調査を伴う症例対照試験が必要である。

CONCLUSIONS: Within the limited studies included in this systematic review, PhMT-b via particulate bone grafting together with CAOT may provide clinical benefits such as modifying periodontal phenotype, maintaining or enhancing facial bone thickness, accelerating tooth movement, expanding the scope of safe tooth movement for patients undergoing orthodontic tooth movement. The benefits of PhMT-s alone for orthodontic treatment remain undetermined due to limited studies available. However, PhMT-b appears promising and with many potential benefits for patients undergoing orthodontic tooth movement. There is a need for a higher quality of randomized controlled trials or case control studies with longer follow-up to investigate the effects of different grafting materials and surgical sites other than mandibular anterior region.