Accuracy of ITK-SNAP software for 3D analysis of a non-regular topography structure.
PMID: 31267257 DOI: 10.1007/s11282-019-00397-y.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the accuracy of ITK-SNAP software for measuring volumes of a non-regular shape structure, using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans, besides for developing a mathematical model to correct the software measurement error in case it existed.
ゴム製のアヒルの頭を成形したファントムには、金の基準となる水(7000mm, 14,000mm, 21,000mm, 28,000mm, 35,000mm)の合計体積(38,000mm)と部分体積(38,000mm)が充填されています。音のファントムと異なる体積の水で満たされたファントムは、ピカソ・トリオCBCTユニットで80kVp、3.7mA、0.2mmボクセル、12×8.5cmの視野でスキャンされた。半自動セグメンテーションは、訓練を受けた2名の口腔放射線技師がITK-SNAP 3.0ソフトウェアを用いて行った。線形回帰法により、ITK-SNAPで計算されたボリュームとゴールドスタンダードとの関係を解析した。クラス内相関係数を用いて、本法の再現性を解析した。有意水準は5%とした。
METHODS: A phantom made by moulding a rubber duck's head was filled with total (38,000 mm) and partial volumes of water (7000 mm, 14,000 mm, 21,000 mm, 28,000 mm and 35,000 mm), which constituted the gold standards. The sound phantom and the phantom filled with different volumes of water were scanned in a Picasso Trio CBCT unit set at 80 kVp, 3.7 mA, 0.2 mm voxel and 12 × 8.5 cm field of view. Semi-automatic segmentation was performed with ITK-SNAP 3.0 software by two trained oral radiologists. Linear regression analyzed the relation between ITK-SNAP calculated volumes and the gold standard. Intraclass correlation coefficient was applied to analyze the reproducibility of the method. Significance level was set at 5%.
線形回帰分析は、ITK-SNAP体積と金基準との間の有意な関係を示し(F=22,537.3、p<0.0001)、Rは0.9993であった。検出された平均誤差は4.7 (±4.3) %でした。この誤差を最小化するために、数学モデルを開発し、誤差を低減することができた。ICCの結果、試験者1(ICC=0.9991, p<0.0001)と試験者2(ICC=0.9989, p<0.0001)の両試験者の試験者間の一致は良好であった。同様に、検査官間の一致度も良好であった(ICC=0.9991, p<0.0001)。
RESULTS: Linear regression analysis showed a significant relationship between ITK-SNAP volumes and the gold standard (F = 22,537.3, p < 0.0001), with an R of 0.9993. The average error found was 4.7 (± 4.3) %. To minimize this error, a mathematical model was developed and provided a reduction of it. ICC revealed excellent intra-examiner agreements for both examiners 1 (ICC = 0.9991, p < 0.0001) and 2 (ICC = 0.9989, p < 0.0001). Likewise, inter-examiner agreement was excellent (ICC = 0.9991, p < 0.0001).
CONCLUSION: The software showed to be accurate for evaluating non-regular shape structures. The mathematical model developed reduced an already small error on the software's measurements.