FGFR4 increases EGFR oncogenic signaling in lung adenocarcinoma, and their combined inhibition is highly effective.
PMID: 31027687 DOI: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2019.02.007.
OBJECTIVES: Lung adenocarcinoma accounts for approximately half of lung cancer cases. Twenty to 50% of tumors of this type harbor mutations affecting epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression or activity, which can be therapeutically targeted. EGFR inhibitors in this context exhibit high efficacy and are currently used in the clinical setting. However, not all adenocarcinomas harboring EGFR mutations respond to therapy, so predictive biomarkers of therapeutic outcomes, as well as novel therapies sensitizing these tumors to EGFR inhibition, are needed.
我々は、in vitroでの遺伝子過剰発現/シレンシングおよび腫瘍学的サロゲートアッセイ、ならびに線維芽細胞増殖因子受容体(FGFR)/EGFR阻害剤とのin vitroおよびin vivoでの併用治療を実施した。臨床レベルでは、EGFR阻害薬で治療された患者の腫瘍におけるFGFR4発現レベルを測定し、治療効果と相関させました。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed in vitro gene overexpression/silencing and tumorigenic surrogate assays, as well as in vitro and in vivo combination treatments with Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor (FGFR)/EGFR inhibitors. At the clinical level, we determined FGFR4 expression levels in tumors from patients treated with EGFR inhibitors and correlated these with treatment response.
我々は、EGFRとFGFR4の間の協調的な相互作用を記述しており、それはin vitroおよびin vivoで癌化の結果を伴うEGFRの相互活性化をもたらしている。この相互作用はEGFRの活性化変異とは無関係であり、異なるEGFR阻害剤に対する抵抗性を増加させる。治療レベルでは、in vitroおよびin vivoの高FGFR4発現EGFR活性化腫瘍において、EGFRとFGFR阻害剤の併用が相乗効果を発揮することを証明した。これらの結果と関連して、EGFR阻害薬で治療された患者は、その腫瘍が高FGFR4発現を示す場合、より早期に再発することが明らかになった。
RESULTS: We describe a cooperative interaction between EGFR and FGFR4, which results in their reciprocal activation with pro-oncogenic consequences in vitro and in vivo. This cooperation is independent of EGFR activating mutations and increases resistance to different EGFR inhibitors. At the therapeutic level, we provide evidence of the synergistic effects of the combination of EGFR and FGFR inhibitors in high FGFR4-expressing, EGFR-activated tumors in vitro and in vivo. Correlated with these results, we found that patients treated with EGFR inhibitors relapse earlier when their tumors exhibit high FGFR4 expression.
CONCLUSIONS: We propose a novel predictive biomarker for EGFR-targeted therapy, and a highly efficacious combinatory therapeutic strategy to treat EGFR-dependent; this may may extend the use of appropriate inhibitors beyond EGFR-mutated adenocarcinoma patients.
Copyright © 2019. Published by Elsevier B.V.