Evaluation of Neurosensory Function Following Inferior Alveolar Nerve Lateralization for Implant Placement.
PMID: 30996551 PMCID: PMC6441422. DOI: 10.1007/s12663-018-1124-1.
Background: Adequate bone height and width is the most important parameter for success of implants. Prolonged edentulous area in mandibular posterior region is often associated with atrophy precluding the use of dental implants. Inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) lateralization is a challenging surgical procedure as it involves the exposure of the neurovascular bundle from its compact bony compartment and adequate retraction while immediate placement of implant.
Aim: Evaluation of neurosensory disturbances related to IAN lateralization for implant placement in the posterior atrophic edentulous mandible.
本研究では、歯槽堤からIAN≤8mm(CBCT)までの距離を示す下顎後領域の無歯顎スパンを有する18歳以上の10名の患者を対象としました。術後のNDの解析はSemmes-Weinstein Monofilaments (SWM)を用いて行った。術後1日目と7日目、それ以降は神経感覚が回復するまで1ヶ月ごとに測定した。
Materials and Methods: Ten patients above the age of 18 years with an edentulous span in mandibular posterior region showing distance from alveolar crest to IAN ≤ 8 mm (CBCT) were included in the study. The postoperative analysis of NDs was done using Semmes-Weinstein Monofilaments (SWM). Readings were made on the 1st and 7th postoperative day and every month thereafter until the neural sensations were restored.
Results: All patients reported neurosensory disturbance on post-op day 1. None of the patients responded to SWM lesser than 4.56 on first postoperative day, which indicated 100% incidence of neurosensory disturbances. The minimum time required for complete recovery was 2.0 months, and maximum was 4.0 months.
IAN lateralizationは、歯科用インプラントを用いた萎縮性下顎後顎の管理に有用な方法です。経験豊富なスタッフが正確に行えば、一時的なNDを最小限に抑えて萎縮した下顎を外科的に修復するための価値ある選択肢となります。
Conclusion: IAN lateralization is a useful method for managing the atrophic posterior mandible with dental implants. If done precisely with experienced personnel, it can provide a worthy option for surgical restoration of atrophic mandible with minimal temporary NDs.