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Skelet Muscle.2019 01;9(1):1. 10.1186/s13395-018-0187-5. doi: 10.1186/s13395-018-0187-5.Epub 2019-01-05.


Defects in sarcolemma repair and skeletal muscle function after injury in a mouse model of Niemann-Pick type A/B disease.

  • V Michailowsky
  • H Li
  • B Mittra
  • S R Iyer
  • D A G Mazála
  • M Corrotte
  • Y Wang
  • E R Chin
  • R M Lovering
  • N W Andrews
PMID: 30611303 PMCID: PMC6320626. DOI: 10.1186/s13395-018-0187-5.




BACKGROUND: Niemann-Pick disease type A (NPDA), a disease caused by mutations in acid sphingomyelinase (ASM), involves severe neurodegeneration and early death. Intracellular lipid accumulation and plasma membrane alterations are implicated in the pathology. ASM is also linked to the mechanism of plasma membrane repair, so we investigated the impact of ASM deficiency in skeletal muscle, a tissue that undergoes frequent cycles of injury and repair in vivo.


また、大腿四頭筋、大腿二頭筋、後脛骨筋を用いたプロテオミクス解析、偏心収縮誘発筋損傷前後の大腿四頭筋の収縮力(最大等尺性トルク)のin vivo試験を実施した。

METHODS: Utilizing the NPDA/B mouse model ASM and wild type (WT) littermates, we performed excitation-contraction coupling/Ca mobilization and sarcolemma injury/repair assays with isolated flexor digitorum brevis fibers, proteomic analyses with quadriceps femoris, flexor digitorum brevis, and tibialis posterior muscle and in vivo tests of the contractile force (maximal isometric torque) of the quadriceps femoris muscle before and after eccentric contraction-induced muscle injury.


ASM flexor digitorum brevis繊維は、WTと比較して励起-収縮結合の障害を示した。この障害は、電気刺激に応答してテタニック[Ca]が減少し、反復テタニック収縮中に[Ca]を維持するのに早期に失敗することで表される。針の通過によって機械的に損傷を受けた場合、ASM屈筋趾ブレビス繊維は、WTと同様の損傷への感受性を示したが、サルコレムマを再封する能力が低下した。プロテオミクス解析の結果、ASM欠損の結果として骨格筋タンパク質の小さなグループに変化が見られ、解析した3つの異なる筋肉ではカルセトリンのダウンレギュレーションが見られた。インビボでは、WT大腿四頭筋の最大等尺性トルクの低下は、傷害直後と傷害後2分で同様であった。ASMマウスでは、傷害直後の最大等尺性トルクの低下はWTと同様であったが、傷害後2分で顕著に大きくなった。

RESULTS: ASM flexor digitorum brevis fibers showed impaired excitation-contraction coupling compared to WT, a defect expressed as reduced tetanic [Ca] in response to electrical stimulation and early failure in sustaining [Ca] during repeated tetanic contractions. When injured mechanically by needle passage, ASM flexor digitorum brevis fibers showed susceptibility to injury similar to WT, but a reduced ability to reseal the sarcolemma. Proteomic analyses revealed changes in a small group of skeletal muscle proteins as a consequence of ASM deficiency, with downregulation of calsequestrin occurring in the three different muscles analyzed. In vivo, the loss in maximal isometric torque of WT quadriceps femoris was similar immediately after and 2 min after injury. The loss in ASM mice immediately after injury was similar to WT, but was markedly larger at 2 min after injury.


ASMマウスの骨格筋線維は、細胞内Caハンドリングに障害があり、その結果、Ca動員が減少し、収縮-弛緩サイクルを繰り返す間にピークCaトランジェントがより急速に減少する。孤立した線維はサルコレムマの損傷を修復する能力が低下しており、これはin vivoでの偏心収縮誘発性筋損傷からの回復時の力の誇張された欠損と関連している。これらの知見は、骨格筋の機能障害がNPDA/B病の病態に関与している可能性を明らかにした。

CONCLUSIONS: Skeletal muscle fibers from ASM mice have an impairment in intracellular Ca handling that results in reduced Ca mobilization and a more rapid decline in peak Ca transients during repeated contraction-relaxation cycles. Isolated fibers show reduced ability to repair damage to the sarcolemma, and this is associated with an exaggerated deficit in force during recovery from an in vivo eccentric contraction-induced muscle injury. Our findings uncover the possibility that skeletal muscle functional defects may play a role in the pathology of NPDA/B disease.