The recovery effect of proanthocyanidin on microtensile bond strength to sodium hypochlorite-treated dentine.
PMID: 30144358 DOI: 10.1111/iej.13005.
AIM: To evaluate the recovery effect of proanthocyanidin (PA) on microtensile bond strength (μTBS) to sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)-treated dentine.
抜歯したばかりの第三大臼歯55本(歯冠,う蝕,修復物なし)を健全な中間層の象牙質を露出させるために切開し,無作為に11群に分けた.ブランクコントロール群では,象牙質表面を脱イオン水に20分間浸漬した。ネガティブコントロール群では,歯牙表面を5.25% NaOClに20分間浸漬した。他の9つの実験群では,5.25%NaOClに20分間浸漬した後,PA(5%,10%,15%)処理を1分,5分,10分行った。NaOCl溶液は5分ごとに更新した。その後,象牙質表面をSEボンドで接着した.接着した試料は,象牙質-レジンスティック(n=45)に分割し,微小引張接着強さ(MPa)を測定した.故障モードは実体顕微鏡で観察され,3つのタイプに分類された.微小引張接着強さのデータは一元配置のアノバを用いて分析した。NaOCl処理した象牙質に対するPAの接着強さの回復効果を分析するために,信頼区間検定を行った。故障モード分布の解析には,カイ二乗検定を用いた.
METHODOLOGY: Fifty-five freshly extracted third molars with intact dental crowns, no caries or restorations were sectioned to expose a sound middle layer of dentine and were randomly divided into 11 groups. In the blank control group, dentine surfaces were immersed in deionized water for 20 min. In the negative control group, dental surfaces were immersed in 5.25% NaOCl for 20 min. In the other nine experimental groups, after immersion for 20 min in 5.25% NaOCl, followed by PA (5%, 10%, or 15%) treatment for 1, 5 min or 10 min. The NaOCl solution was renewed every 5 min. Then dentine surfaces were bonded using SE bond. Bonded samples were sectioned into dentine-resin sticks (n = 45) for microtensile bond strength testing (MPa). Failure modes were observed and classified into three types with a stereomicroscope. Microtensile bond strength data were analysed using one-way anova. The confidence interval test was performed to analyse the recovery effect of PA on bond strength to NaOCl-treated dentine. The chi-squared test was used to analyse failure mode distribution.
5.25%NaOClを20分間使用した後,ネガティブコントロール群の微小引張接着強さは,未処理群に比べて有意に低下した(P<0.05)。10% PAを10分間,または15% PAを5分間以上使用して回復処理を行ったところ,接着強さはベースラインの少なくとも90%まで回復した(P<0.05)。5% PAを1分間塗布しても,接着強さの回復効果は認められなかった(P>0.05)。接着剤の破断は,NaOCl処理したグループで最も一般的な故障モードであることがわかった。PAの回復塗布後,混合破壊の割合は有意に増加した(P<0.05)。
RESULTS: After use of 5.25% NaOCl for 20 min, microtensile bond strength in the negative control group decreased significantly compared with that of the untreated group (P < 0.05). After a recovery treatment of 10% PA for 10 min or 15% PA for more than 5 min, the bond strength was restored to at least 90% of baseline (P < 0.05). No recovery effect on bond strength was detected after the application of 5% PA for 1 min (P > 0.05). Adhesive fracture was found to be the most common failure mode in the NaOCl-treated group. After the recovery application of PA, the proportion of mixed failures increased significantly (P < 0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: Microtensile bond strength to NaOCl-treated dentine recovered after the application of either 5% PA for more than 5 min or 10% or 15% PA for more than 1 min. The application of PA before an adhesive procedure may immediately restore the compromised bond strength of NaOCl-treated dentine.
© 2018 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.