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Intern Med.2016;55(18):2523-8.


A Study on the Relationship between Reflux Esophagitis and Periodontitis.

PMID: 27629943


目的 メタボリックシンドロームと歯槽膿漏は,胃食道逆流症(GERD)と相関することが示されており,歯周炎はメタボリックシンドロームと良好な関係にあることが報告されている。しかし、歯周炎とGERDとの相関関係はまだ報告されていません。そこで我々は,歯周炎と GERD の関係について検討した.方法 対象者は、健康センターに来院し、詳細な健康診断検査を受けた280名である。それぞれに上部内視鏡検査と歯周炎検査を行い、歯周炎検査では唾液中の乳酸脱水素酵素とヘモグロビンの濃度を測定した。対象者を歯周炎の陽性者と陰性者に分け、内視鏡で証明された逆流性食道炎、脂質異常症、高血圧、高血糖の有病率を比較した。結果 歯周炎の陽性者は93名、陰性者は187名であった。逆流性食道炎の有病率は、陽性群と陰性群で差がなかった(8.6%対8.0%)。また、多重ロジスティック回帰分析では、歯周炎の有無と逆流性食道炎との間に正の関係は認められなかった。一方、歯周炎が陽性であった被験者では、脂質異常症や高血圧症が多く認められた。結論 今回の研究では、歯周炎と逆流性食道炎との関連性は認められなかった。逆流性食道炎と歯周炎の関連性は認められなかったが、歯周炎の存在は高血圧症や脂質異常症と相関することがわかった。

Objective Metabolic syndrome and dental erosion have been demonstrated to correlate with gastroesophageal acid reflux disease (GERD), while periodontitis has been reported to have a positive relationship with metabolic syndrome. However, no correlation between periodontitis and GERD has yet been reported. We therefore investigated the relationship between periodontitis and GERD. Methods The subjects consisted of 280 individuals who visited the Health Center for a detailed medical checkup examination. Each underwent upper endoscopy and periodontitis examinations, with the latter performed by measuring the concentrations of lactate dehydrogenase and hemoglobin in saliva. The subjects were divided into those with positive and negative periodontitis findings, and the prevalence rates of endoscopically proven reflux esophagitis, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and hyperglycemia were compared. Results The number of subjects positive for periodontitis was 93, while 187 had negative findings. The prevalence of reflux esophagitis was not different between the positive and negative groups (8.6% vs. 8.0%). In addition, a multiple logistic regression analysis did not identify a positive relationship between the presence of periodontitis and reflux esophagitis. On the other hand, dyslipidemia and hypertension were more frequently observed in the subjects that were positive for periodontitis. Conclusion We did not find an association between periodontitis and reflux esophagitis in the present study. On the other hand, the presence of periodontitis was found to correlate with hypertension and dyslipidemia.