Review suggests higher failure rates for dental implants placed in fresh extraction sites.
PMID: 26114791
PubMed,Web of Science,Cochrane Oral Health Group Trials。登録データベースに加え,さまざまな歯科インプラント関連雑誌を手作業で検索。
DATA SOURCES: PubMed, Web of Science and Cochrane Oral Health Group Trials. Register databases supplemented by hand searching a range of dental implants-related journals.
STUDY SELECTION: Randomised and non-randomised studies comparing implant failure rates in any group of patients receiving dental implants being inserted in fresh extraction sockets compared to the insertion in healed sites were considered.
研究の質はNewcastle-Ottawa scale(NOS)を用いて評価した。インプラントの失敗(インプラントの完全な喪失)と術後の感染を二項対立のアウトカム指標として評価し、限界骨量を連続アウトカムとして評価した。
DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: Study quality was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa scale (NOS). Implant failure (complete loss of implant) and postoperative infection were the dichotomous outcomes measures evaluated, with marginal bone loss as a continuous outcome.
73件の論文が含まれ、5件が無作為化比較試験、26件が臨床比較試験、42件がレトロスペクティブ研究であった。73件の研究には、新鮮な抜歯窩に挿入された合計8241本のインプラントが含まれ、330件の失敗(4.00%)があり、治癒した部位に挿入された1万9410本のインプラントが含まれ、599件の失敗があった。ランダム効果メタアナリシス(73件)によると、新鮮なソケット部位でのインプラント失敗の相対リスクは、上顎のみRR=1.58(95%CI;1.27 1.95)、下顎のみRR=1.61(95%CI;0.97 2.66)、下顎のみRR=2.15(95%CI;0.62-7.47)であった。31の対照研究(CCT)と無作為化対照研究(RCT)があり、新鮮なソケットに挿入された2021本のインプラントには96件(4.75%)の失敗があり、治癒した部位に挿入された2759本のインプラントには49件(1.59%)の失敗があった。新鮮なソケットに挿入されたインプラントの失敗の相対リスクは、治癒した部位と比較してRR=2.27(95% CI; 1.57-3.29)であった。
RESULTS: Seventy-three publications were included, five were randomised controlled trials, 26 clinical controlled trials and 42 retrospective studies. The 73 studies included a total of 8241 dental implants inserted in fresh extraction sockets, with 330 failures (4.00%), and 19,410 implants inserted in healed sites, with 599 failures. A random effects meta-analysis (73 studies) found the relative risk of implant failures in fresh socket sites compared to healed sites was RR= 1.58 (95% CI; 1.27 1.95) for the maxilla only RR= 1.61 (95% CI; 0.97 2.66); mandible only RR= 2.15 (95% CI; 0.62-7.47). For implants supporting single crown restoration RR= 2.05 (95% CI; 1.36-3.11) and RR= 1.42 (95% CI; 0.71- 2.83) for those with a full arch prosthesis.There were 31 controlled studies (CCTs) and randomised controlled studies (RCTs) that included 2021 implants inserted in fresh sockets with 96 failures (4.75%) and 2759 implants were inserted in healed sites with 49 failures (1.59%). The relative risk of implant failures in fresh socket sites compared to healed sites was RR= 2.27 (95% CI; 1.57-3.29).
CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present review should be interpreted with caution due to the presence of uncontrolled confounding factors in the included studies, most of them not randomised trials. Within the limitations of the existing investigations, the present study suggests that the insertion of dental implants in fresh extraction sockets affects the implant failure rates.