Change in masticatory ability with the implant restoration of second molars.
PMID: 24331850 DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2013.10.004.
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Controversy exists as to whether missing second molars should be replaced to restore masticatory ability.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to analyze the alteration in masticatory ability associated with the implant restoration of the second molar; the subjective effect of implant treatment on the participant was also assessed.
21名(男性13名、女性8名)が参加した。咀嚼能力は,インプラント支持の単冠のセメント装着前,セメント装着直後,セメント装着1ヵ月後に記録した.咬合荷重(Pa),荷重負荷接触面積(mm(2)),最大咬合力(N)を算出した.咀嚼能力の主観的評価は,治療前と治療1ヵ月後に,質問票を用いて咀嚼困難度と治療に対するグローバルな満足度を評価した。スコアの差の分析にはWilcoxon signed rank testを用いた。
MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-one individuals (13 men and 8 women) participated. Masticatory ability was recorded before the cementation of implant-supported single crowns, immediately after cementation, and 1 month after cementation. The occlusal load (Pa), the load-bearing contact area (mm(2)), and the maximum occlusal force (N) were calculated. A subjective evaluation of masticatory ability was conducted before treatment and 1 month after treatment through the use of a questionnaire to evaluate chewing difficulties and global satisfaction with treatment. The Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to analyze the difference in scores.
RESULTS: The load-bearing contact area, maximum occlusal force, and participant satisfaction were found to increase significantly 1 month after the cementation of implant-supported single crowns. The restoration of the second molar with an implant increased both objective masticatory ability and subjective satisfaction 1 month after cementation of the implant-supported single crowns.
CONCLUSIONS: Patients presenting with a missing second molar may benefit from replacement with implant-supported crowns. Longer study periods and larger sample populations are needed to obtain more definitive results.
Copyright © 2014 Editorial Council for the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.