Preliminary 2-year report on treatment outcomes for 6-mm-long implants in posterior atrophic mandibles.
PMID: 22545259
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to prospectively evaluate clinical and radiographic outcomes of ultrashort implants (4-mm diameter, 6-mm length) supporting fixed partial dentures in severely atrophic posterior mandibles.
下顎無歯顎の患者25名が登録され,下顎管上の残存骨高さは7~8mmであった。合計61本の埋没型インプラントを埋入し、5~6ヵ月後に負荷をかけた。補綴物装着後2年間,臨床検査,X線撮影,RFA(Resonance Frequency Analysis)検査を行い,患者を追跡調査した.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-five patients with posterior edentulous mandibular spans and 7- to 8-mm residual bone heights above the mandibular canal were enrolled. In total, 61 submerged implants were placed and loaded 5 to 6 months later. Patients were followed for 2 years after prosthesis connection with clinical, radiographic, and resonance frequency analysis (RFA) examinations.
1名の患者で2本のインプラントが装着前に破損したが、その他のインプラントは観察期間中、臨床的にもX線的にも良好な結果を示した(2年生存率および成功率:96.8%)。術後の痛みや腫れはごくわずかであった。辺縁骨レベルの平均変化は安定しており(6ヵ月後、1年後、2年後にそれぞれ0.40±0.23mm、0.51±0.38mm、0.60±0.13mm)、クラウンとインプラントの比率(範囲:1.31~3.12)に影響されなかった。RFAの平均値は,インプラント埋入時(67.35±6.67)から2年後(72.91±5.07,P < 0.0001)まで有意に増加した.補綴物の合併症は、2つの補綴物の脱落、3つのセラミックベニアの欠け、1つの補綴物のネジの緩みであった。
RESULTS: Two implants failed in one patient before loading; all other implants showed favorable clinical and radiographic findings throughout the observation period (2-year survival and success rate: 96.8%). Postoperative pain and swelling were negligible. Mean changes in marginal bone levels were stable (0.40 ± 0.23, 0.51 ± 0.38, and 0.60 ± 0.13 mm after 6 months and 1 and 2 years, respectively) and were unaffected by measured crown-to-implant ratios (range: 1.31 to 3.12). Mean RFA values increased significantly from implant placement (67.35 ± 6.67) to 2 years (72.91 ± 5.07, P < .0001). Prosthetic complications included two prosthesis decementations, three ceramic veneer chippings, and one prosthesis screw loosening.
CONCLUSION: Within the limitations of the short follow-up period, the use of 6-mm-long implants was a predictable treatment method for patients with atrophic posterior mandibles and increased crown-to-implant ratios.