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J Oral Maxillofac Surg.2010 Mar;68(3):628-33.


Surgical approach to impacted mandibular third molars--operative classification.

PMID: 20031288




PURPOSE: The aim of the present study is to suggest a convenient way to classify the position of the impacted third mandibular molar relative to the mandibular canal and to suggest indications for the use of each surgical approach for mandibular third molar extraction.


今回発表した新しいタイプ分けシステム「第三大臼歯分類(TMC)」は、下顎第三大臼歯の外科的管理のためのシンプルで適用しやすい方法であり、下顎の異所性歯や衝突歯のすべてに拡張することができる。第三大臼歯の位置には大きく分けて3つのタイプがあります。2つ目のタイプはさらに2つのサブタイプに細分化されます。本研究では、ハイリスクの下顎第三大臼歯を持つ9名の患者を、現在の分類に従って治療し、発表と考察を行った。TMC IIbに分類された患者にはsagittal split osteotomy approachを,TMC IIIに分類された患者にはextroral approachを施した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The presented new typing system, Third Molar Classification (TMC), is a simple and easy-to-apply method for the surgical management of mandibular third molars and can be extended for any ectopic or impacted mandibular tooth. There are 3 major types of third molar positions. The second type is subdivided further into 2 subtypes. In the present study, 9 patients with high-risk mandibular third molars were treated according to the present classification and are presented and discussed. Patients typed as TMC IIb were treated with a sagittal split osteotomy approach and patients typed as TMC III were treated with an extraoral approach.



RESULTS: The operative classification was successfully implemented in very rare cases of deeply impacted mandibular third molars. In 3 of 9 cases (33%) minor complications included some degree of hypoesthesia using the extraoral approach; these complications resolved spontaneously without the need for any intervention.



CONCLUSIONS: The present study describes the use of a new surgical classification system for treatment planning in all types of mandibular third molar extractions. We believe that the present classification could help the oral and maxillofacial surgeon in decision-making and limit the possible risks that are present when attempting to extract impacted mandibular third molars.