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Oper Dent.2009 Jan-Feb;34(1):3-10. doi: 10.2341/08-7.


Occurrence and causing stimuli of postoperative sensitivity in composite restorations.

  • Thorsten M Auschill
  • Christine A Koch
  • Martin Wolkewitz
  • Elmar Hellwig
  • Nicole B Arweiler
PMID: 19192831 DOI: 10.2341/08-7.


過去10年間にコンポジット治療が改善されたにもかかわらず,術後の知覚過敏は依然として問題となっている。そこで,この臨床研究では,コンポジット修復後の術後知覚過敏の出現とその原因となる刺激を評価した.本研究では,231人の患者の600本の歯を対象とした.すべての治療は、緊密な監督下にある歯科学生によって、標準的な手順に従い、ボンディングシステムOptibond FLとナノフィルドコンポジットCeram Xを用いて行われた。ベースライン(visit 1)において、修復物は、麻酔の使用、ラバーダムの使用、修復治療の適応、虫歯のクラス、および虫歯の臨床的寸法という基準に従ってグループ分けされた。約2週間後(visit 2)、すべての修復物を評価し、以下の基準のいずれかが発生した場合を失敗と定義した:バイタリティ・テストの陰性反応、咀嚼力による術後の痛み、患者による術後の知覚過敏の報告。術後に報告された知覚過敏は,visual analogue scaleを用いて,hot/cold-sensitivity,sweet/soursensitivity,sharp/dull-sensitivity,spontaneous sensitivity,blistering/stinging-sensitivityに分類した。失敗は修復物の6%に認められました。統計学的分析の結果、臨床的な虫歯の深さが術後の知覚過敏の出現に有意な影響を与える唯一の要因であることが判明した。深部カリエスは失敗のリスクが4倍高く、歯髄露出のある虫歯は象牙質に限局した修復物と比較して失敗のリスクが14倍高かった。知覚過敏のタイプについては、甘味・酸味に対する知覚過敏を訴えた患者はおらず、ほとんどの患者が知覚過敏をsharp/dullと表現していた。

Despite improvements in composite treatments over the past decade, postoperative sensitivity still remains a problem. Therefore, this clinical study evaluated the appearance of postoperative sensitivity after composite treatments and the stimuli that may have caused it. A total of 600 teeth in 231 patients was included in this study. All treatments were performed by dental students working under close supervision following standard procedures and using the bonding system Optibond FL and the nanofilled composite Ceram X. At baseline (visit 1), the restorations were grouped according to the following criteria: use of anesthesia, use of a rubber dam, indication for the restoration treatment, cavity class and clinical dimension of the cavity. After approximately two weeks (at visit 2), all the restorations were assessed and failure was defined if one of the following criteria occurred: a negative reaction to the vitality test, postoperative pain from masticatory forces or reported postoperative sensitivity by the patient. The reported postoperative sensitivity was specified with a visual analogue scale into hot/cold-sensitivity, sweet/soursensitivity, sharp/dull-sensitivity, spontaneous sensitivity and blistering/stinging-sensitivity. Failure was observed in 6% of the restorations. The statistical analysis showed that the clinical cavity depth turned out to be the only factor to have a significant influence on the appearance of postoperative sensitivity: caries profunda showed a four times higher risk of failure, while cavities with pulp exposure had a 14 times higher failure risk compared to restorations that were localized in the dentin. With regard to the type of sensitivity, no patients reported sensitivity to sweet/sour; most of them described their sensitivity as sharp/dull.