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J Oral Maxillofac Surg.2004 Nov;62(11):1363-71.


Risk factors for third molar extraction difficulty.

PMID: 15510357




PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to measure the difficulty of third molar (M3) extractions and to identify demographic, anatomic, and operative variables associated with extraction difficulty.


本研究の目的を達成するために、前向きコホート研究を実施し、M3の抜歯を希望する患者を登録した。予測変数は、人口統計学的、解剖学的、手術的に分類した。主要評価項目は抜歯の難易度で、歯1本あたりの抜歯時間として測定した。副次的評価項目は、外科医が術後に評価したM3の抜歯困難度であり、100mmのvisual analog scale(VAS)で測定した。適切な一変量、二変量、多変量の統計を算出した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: To address the research purpose, we implemented a prospective cohort study and enrolled a sample composed of patients presenting for M3 removal. Predictor variables were categorized as demographic, anatomic, and operative. The primary outcome variable was difficulty of extraction, measured as extraction time per tooth. The secondary outcome variable was the surgeons postoperative estimate of M3 extraction difficulty, measured on a 100-mm visual analog scale (VAS). Appropriate univariate, bivariate, and multivariate statistics were computed.


平均年齢は26.2±10.7歳、女性が57.3%、白人が72.0%で、82名の被験者が250個のM3(53.2%が下顎)を抜歯した。M3抜歯1回あたりの平均手術時間は6.9±7.6分であった。難易度の平均推定値は39.6±24.7mmで、抜歯時間と有意な相関関係(r = 0.68)があった(P < 0.01)。外科的経験、M3の位置(上顎対下顎)、手技の種類、歯の位置、抜歯数、歯の形態は、多変量モデルにおいて抜歯時間と統計的に関連していた(P < or = .05)。

RESULTS: The sample was composed of 82 subjects, having 250 M3s (53.2% mandibular) extracted, with a mean age of 26.2 +/- 10.7 years; 57.3% were female, 72.0% were white. The mean operating time per M3 extraction was 6.9 +/- 7.6 minutes. The mean estimate of difficulty was 39.6 +/- 24.7 mm and was significantly correlated (r = 0.68) with extraction time (P < .01). Surgical experience, M3 location (maxillary versus mandibular), procedure type, tooth position, number of teeth extracted, and tooth morphology were statistically associated (P < or = .05) with extraction time in a multivariate model.



CONCLUSION: Our model indicates that the difficulty of M3 extractions is governed primarily by anatomic and operative factors with minimal influence from demographic factors.