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J Periodontal Res.2003 Dec;38(6):568-74.

ヒト歯周線維芽細胞に対するエナメルマトリックス誘導体の影響:増殖、形態、根面コロニー形成。in vitro試験

Effect of enamel matrix derivative on human periodontal fibroblasts: proliferation, morphology and root surface colonization. An in vitro study.

PMID: 14632919




BACKGROUND: Several clinical trials have shown the effectiveness of Emdogain(R) (EMD) in promoting tissue regeneration, even though the underlining biological mechanism is still poorly known.


本研究の目的は、ヒト歯根膜(PDL)線維芽細胞の増殖、および抜去歯根表面との接触によるコロニー形成と分化に対するEMDの効果をin vitroで確認することである。

OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to verify the effect of EMD on the proliferation of human periodontal ligament (PDL) fibroblasts and on their colonization and differentiation following contact with the root surface of extracted teeth in vitro.


PDLの線維芽細胞をペトリ皿に播種し、1、3、8日間培養した後、EMDの存在下と非存在下で細胞計数により細胞増殖を評価した。3日目および8日目の細胞増殖にEMDの有意な効果が検出された。エッチングしたヒト根の表面でEMDを使用してPDL細胞を12日間培養したところ、細胞の形態変化が観察された。走査型電子顕微鏡で観察したところ、EMD処理した根面上で増殖した細胞は、基材に密着した扁平な表面と丸みを帯びた外側の平滑面を持つボディを形成していることがわかった。また、扁平な表面からは、基材に接続する細長い細胞突起も観察された。EMD処理面上で増殖したPDL細胞は、in vitroのセメント芽細胞で注目されたアルカリホスファターゼ活性の欠如を示した。

METHODS AND RESULTS: Fibroblasts from PDL were seeded on Petri dishes and cell growth was evaluated by cell counting in the presence and absence of EMD, after 1, 3 and 8 d of culture. A significant effect of EMD upon cellular proliferation at d 3 and 8 was detected. When PDL cells were grown for 12 d with EMD on etched human root surface, a change in cell morphology was observed. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that cells grown on root EMD-treated surface present a body with a flattened surface closely adherent to the substrate and an outer smooth surface rounded in shape. From the flattened surface some thin and elongated cellular processes connecting with the substrate were also observable. PDL cells grown on EMD-treated surface showed lack of alkaline phosphatase activity, as some authors noticed in cementoblasts in vitro.



CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, our data indicate that EMD enhances human PDL fibroblast proliferation. Furthermore, the cells in the presence of EMD show morphological changes that make them more similar to cementoblasts than to fibroblasts, suggesting a process of cellular differentiation that could play an important role in periodontal tissue repair.