Robot-assisted Endodontic Retreatment: A Case Report with Clinical Considerations.
PMID: 39880188
ファイバーポストの不適切な除去は、異所性歯根穿孔や歯根破折を引き起こす可能性があるため、非外科的歯内療法におけるファイバーポストの除去は重要な課題である。近年、歯科医療においてロボット技術が注目されており、ADR(Active Dental Robotic)システムは、あらかじめ設定された指示に基づいて処置を行うことができるため、歯科医師の経験への依存を最小限に抑えることができる。本症例報告では、既存のジルコニアクラウンを介してファイバーポストを除去するためにADRシステムを適用した症例について述べる。
INTRODUCTION: Fiber posts present significant challenges for nonsurgical endodontic retreatment, as improper removal may result in iatrogenic root perforation or even root fracture. Recently, robotic technology has attracted considerable attention in dentistry and active dental robotic (ADR) systems can perform procedures based on preset instructions, minimizing reliance on the dentist's experience. This case report describes the application of an ADR system for fiber post removal through an existing zirconia crown.
METHODS: A 26-year-old female was diagnosed with previously treated, symptomatic apical periodontitis of the mandibular left second premolar. Based on cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and intraoral scanning, the ADR system was used to achieve precise fiber post removal through a zirconia crown with minimally invasive coronal access under rubber dam isolation. The robotic arm executed flexible pumping motions to simulate the hand movements of dentists. This was achieved by establishing preset force and distance thresholds tailored to the characteristics of the materials being drilled. Residual gutta-percha was removed, followed by canal preparation and obturation. The tooth was then restored with a fiber post and composite resin.
RESULTS: At the 2.5-month follow-up, the patient was completely asymptomatic, and the radiograph displayed evidence of periradicular healing.
CONCLUSION: In this case, robotic technology proved effective and feasible for the endodontic retreatment of a mandibular second premolar, suggesting its potential for similar applications in other teeth where there is adequate inter-arch space. Further research is needed to simplify procedures for robot-assisted endodontic retreatment.