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J Dent Sci.2025 Jan;20(1):83-88.


The investigation of thermal behavior and temperature analysis of three types of contemporary gutta-percha points.

PMID: 39873081




BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: The impact of thermal behavior on the clinical performance of gutta-percha points (GP) is unclear. This study aimed to investigate the thermal behavior of three different types of GP and their temperature changes (TC) in a simulated clinical environment.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: The GP tested were Conform Fit® Gutta-Percha Points (CF), Autofit™ Feathered Tip Gutta Percha (AF), and Gutta Percha Root Canal Points (GC). The phase transition temperatures of the samples were analyzed using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The TC at the tips of the GP was examined with the heat source positioned at specific distances from the tip. Additionally, the TC of the GP in the apical foramen of a simulated canal during the warm vertical compaction (WVC) technique was evaluated. Differences in the apical temperature of the GP during WVC were compared using two-way ANOVA, with statistical significance set at  < 0.05.



RESULTS: The phase transition temperatures peaked at approximately 51 °C and 61 °C. The temperature analysis showed the maximum average temperatures of AF and CF decreased to 38 °C when the heat source was 3 mm from the tip. During WVC, the average maximum apical temperatures for AF, CF, and GC were 37.7 °C, 36.0 °C, and 35.5 °C, respectively. Both the elapsed time of WVC and the brand of GP significantly ( < 0.05) affected the apical temperature.



CONCLUSION: The apical temperature elevation of the GP during WVC was minimal. Neither AF nor CF reached the moldable temperatures when the heat source was 3 mm away.