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Clin Implant Dent Relat Res.2025 Feb;27(1):e13436.


Microgap Formation in Conical Implant-Abutment Connections Under Oblique Loading: Influence of Cone Angle Mismatch Through Finite Element Analysis.

PMID: 39840917




OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated different designs of the conical implant-abutment connection (IAC) and their resistance to microgap formation under oblique loads as specified by the ISO standard for testing dental implants. Also evaluated was the effect of deviations from the ISO specifications on the outcomes.


マイクロギャップ形成と応力分布を比較するために、3つの円錐形IACデザイン(A、B、C)を2つの荷重構成(ISO 14801に準拠したものと、修正荷重アダプター(非ISO)を使用したもの)で有限要素解析を実施した。異なるIAC設計は、テーパー、直径、コーンの高さが異なっていた。インプラントとアバットメント間のコーン角のミスマッチ(Cam)を考慮した。20Ncmのトルクと斜め荷重(最大400N)をシミュレートした。

METHODS: Finite element analysis was conducted to compare the microgap formation and stress distribution among three conical IAC designs (A, B, and C) in two loading configurations: one compliant with ISO 14801 and one with a modified load adaptor (non-ISO). The different IAC designs varied in the taper, diameter, and cone height. The cone angle mismatch (Cam) between the implant and abutment was considered. A torque of 20 Ncm and oblique loads (up to 400 N) were simulated.



RESULTS: The stresses produced by the screw-tightening torque varied among the different IAC designs. The contact height was approximately 0.3 mm for Designs A and B, and less than 0.03 mm for Design C. Under oblique loads, Design A maintained IAC sealing without gap formation up to 400 N. With the ISO adaptor, gaps appeared in Design B at 300 N and in Design C at 90 N. The non-ISO adaptor resulted in gap formation at 160 N for Design B and at 50 N for Design C.


IACの設計とコーンの角度不整合はマイクロギャップ形成に大きく影響し、斜め荷重が400Nに達してもギャップゼロを示す設計もあった。非ISOアダプターは、IAC BおよびCにおいてギャップ形成を増加させた。

CONCLUSIONS: The IAC design and cone angle mismatch significantly influenced microgap formation, with some designs showing zero gaps even when the oblique load reached 400 N. The non-ISO adaptor increased gap formation in IACs B and C.