Sex Differences in Natural History and Health Outcomes Among Individuals With Tic Disorders.
PMID: 39813627
Tourette Association of America International Consortium for Genetics(TAAICG)のデータセットにおいて、トゥレット症候群(TS)および持続性運動性・発声性チック障害(PMVT)における転帰の性差を解析すること。
OBJECTIVES: To analyze sex differences in outcomes in Tourette syndrome (TS) and Persistent Motor or Vocal tic disorders (PMVT) in the Tourette Association of America International Consortium for Genetics (TAAICG) dataset.
TAAICGデータセットの参加者2,403人(TS:N = 2,109人;PMVT:N = 294人)において、一般化推定方程式回帰モデルを用いて、性と臨床的尺度の関係を検討し、年齢および家族関係で調整した。
METHODS: The relationship between sex and clinical measures was explored in 2,403 participants (N = 2,109 with TS; N = 294 with PMVT) from the TAAICG dataset using generalized estimating equation regression models, and adjusted for age and family relationships.
TSの女性(対男性)参加者(サンプルの25.5%)は、研究前に正式にTSと臨床診断される確率が0.46倍低く(<0.00001)、症状発現時の年齢が遅かった(6.5±2.8対6.0 ± 2.7; = 0.001)、診断時年齢が遅い(13.3 ± 11.2 vs 10.7 ± 8.1; = 0.0001)、診断までの時間が長い(3 [1, 7] vs 2 [1, 5], = 0.01)、チックの重症度が低い(28.4 ± 9.1 vs 30.7 ± 8.7; < 0.0001)。PMVTの女性(対男性)参加者(サンプルの42.9%)は、症状発現年齢が早かった(7.9±3.3対8.9±3.7;=0.05)。
RESULTS: Female (vs male) participants with TS (25.5% of the sample) had 0.46 times lower odds of being formally diagnosed clinically with TS before the research study ( < 0.00001), later age at symptom onset (6.5 ± 2.8 vs 6.0 ± 2.7; = 0.001), later age at diagnosis (13.3 ± 11.2 vs 10.7 ± 8.1; = 0.0001), a longer time-to-diagnosis (3 [1, 7] vs 2 [1, 5], = 0.01), and lower tic severity (28.4 ± 9.1 vs 30.7 ± 8.7); < 0.0001). Female (vs male) participants with PMVT (42.9% of the sample) had an earlier age at symptom onset (7.9 ± 3.3 vs 8.9 ± 3.7; = 0.05).
DISCUSSION: Female (vs male) participants with TS are less likely to be formally diagnosed, have later age at symptom onset, later age at diagnosis, and longer time-to-diagnosis. Female (vs male) participants with PMVT have an earlier age at symptom onset. Future research is needed to understand differences longitudinally in TS and PMVT.