Risk Factors associated with noncarious cervical lesions.
PMID: 39219831
BACKGROUND: Noncarious cervical lesions (NCCLs) is the dental structure loss unrelated to caries. The aim was to investigate the possible relationship between bruxism, age, gender, daily routine and dietary habits and NCCL, and correlate with sensitivity and position in the dental arch.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: 245 patients aged between 18 and 40 participated in the survey, in which a questionnaire focused on parafunctional habits, erosion, abrasion, dental abfraction and acidic diet was conducted. Facial symmetry analysis, masseter hypertrophy, occlusion evaluation, and presence of wear facets and NCCL. Data were expressed as absolute and percentage frequency and were analyzed using the Fisher's Exact/Chi-square tests and a multinomial logistic regression model.
NCCLは46.6%に認められた。ブラキシズムは64%に、ストレスは33%に認められた。また、磨耗は75%、酸性食は60%に認められた。NCCLと性別(p=0.74)、ブラキシズム(=0.33)、ストレス(=0.52)、摩耗面(=0.73)、酸性食(=0.39)との間に有意な関係は認められなかった。30歳以上の年齢はNCCLとより強く関連していた(< 0.001)。
RESULTS: NCCLs was observed in 46.6 % in the participants. Bruxism was observed in 64% of the individuals, and stress in 33%. Wear facets and acidic diets were reported in 75% and 60% of the sample, respectively. There was no significant relationship between NCCL and gender (p = 0.74), bruxism ( = 0.33), stress ( = 0.52), wear facets ( = 0.73), and acidic diets ( = 0.39). Age over 30 years was more strongly associated with NCCL (< 0.001).
CONCLUSIONS: Age showed a direct correlation with noncarious cervical lesions. Factors including gender and dietary and parafunctional habits, such as bruxism, were not differential regarding the presence of NCCL. Tooth wear, non-carious cervical lesions, bruxism.