Longevity of posterior direct versus indirect composite restorations: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
PMID: 39122602
OBJECTIVES: The goal of this systemic review and meta-analysis was to compare the longevity of direct and indirect composite restorations in posterior teeth.
DATA: Randomized controlled trials (RCT) investigating direct and indirect composite restorations in permanent posterior teeth.
3つの電子データベース(PubMed、CENTRAL(Cochrane)、Embase)をスクリーニングした。言語や時間の制限は適用しなかった。研究の選択、データ抽出、質の評価は重複して行った。Risk of Bias 2.0ツールとGrade Profiler 3.6を用いて、偏りのリスクとエビデンスレベルを評価した。
SOURCES: Three electronic databases (PubMed, CENTRAL (Cochrane) and Embase) were screened. No language or time restrictions were applied. Study selection, data extraction and quality assessment were done in duplicate. Risk of bias and level of evidence was graded using Risk of Bias 2.0 tool and Grade Profiler 3.6.
電子データベースにより合計3056件の論文が検索された。最終的に5つのRCTが選択された。全体として、279人の患者(年齢:28~81歳)に627本の修復物が埋入され、そのうち323本が直接修復物、304本が間接修復物であった。年間失敗率(AFR)が最も高かったのは間接修復で、0%~15.5%であった。直接修復物では、0%~5.4%と、より低い失敗率であった。最も頻度の高い失敗は、修復物のチッピングと破折であり、次いでう蝕であった。メタアナリシスにより、直接修復の失敗率は間接修復よりも有意に低いことが明らかになった(リスク比(RR)[95%CI]=0.61 [0.47; 0.79]、エビデンスレベルは非常に低い)。さらに、すべての研究で高いバイアスリスクが認められた。
RESULTS: A total of 3056 articles were found by electronic databases. Finally, five RCTs were selected. Overall, 627 restorations of which 323 were direct and 304 indirect composite restorations have been placed in 279 patients (age: 28-81 years). The highest annual failure rates (AFR) were found for indirect restorations ranging from 0 % to 15.5 %. Lower AFR were found for direct restorations ranging from 0 % to 5.4 %. The most frequent failures were found to be chipping and fracture of the restoration followed by caries. Meta-analysis revealed that the failure rate for direct restorations was significantly lower than for indirect restorations (Risk Ratio (RR) [95 %CI] = 0.61 [0.47; 0.79]; very low level of evidence). Furthermore, all studies showed a high risk of bias.
CONCLUSION: Direct and indirect composite restorations can be recommended for large class II cavities including cusp coverage in posterior teeth for single tooth restoration. Meta-analysis revealed significantly lower relative risk to fail for direct composite restorations than for indirect restorations but results are with high risk of basis.