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J Dent.2024 Aug;147:105106.


The effect of ferrule and core material on fracture resistance of endodontically treated anterior teeth restored with ceramic crowns after artificial aging.

PMID: 38830530




OBJECTIVES: To assess the influence of ferrule and core type on the fracture strength of endodontically treated anterior teeth (ETAT) and identify the failure mode type and distribution across different core types and ferrule conditions.


60本の抜去中切歯を歯内治療し、装飾を施し、2つの主要グループ(F=フェルールあり、NF=フェルールなし)に分けた。それぞれのメイングループは、使用したコア材によってさらに3つのサブグループに分けられた:ダイレクトコンポジットコア(DC)、リブボンド繊維強化コンポジットコア(RIB-DC)、ダイレクトコンポジットコア付きグラスファイバーポスト(GFP)(GFP-DC)。すべての試験片にE.maxクラウンを装着し、熱サイクルと繰返し荷重を行った。その後,歯冠修復物に静的荷重を負荷して破壊抵抗性を試験した.二元配置分散分析(Two-Way ANOVA)とカイ二乗検定により、各群間に有意差があることが確認された(p < 0.05)。

METHODS: Sixty extracted human central incisors were endodontically treated, decoronated and divided into two main groups (F=with ferrule, NF=no ferrule). Each main group was further subdivided into three subgroups according to the core material used: direct composite cores (DC), Ribbond fibre-reinforced composite cores (RIB-DC), and glass fibre post (GFP) with direct composite cores (GFP-DC). All specimens received E.max crowns and underwent thermal cycling and cyclic loading. Subsequently, the fracture resistance was tested with static loads applied to the crown restoration. Two-Way ANOVA and Chi square tests identified significant differences among the groups (p < 0.05).


Fサブグループの試験片の破壊荷重(ニュートン)の平均値と標準偏差(SD)は,RIB-DC:465.0(104.20),GFP-DC:367.6(79.59),DC:275.8(68.48),NFサブグループの試験片の破壊荷重(ニュートン)は,RIB-DC:110.8(24.33),GFP-DC:95.6(25.47),DC:67.4(7.46)であった.フェルールのある試験片はフェルールのない試験片より有意に高い破壊荷重を示した(p = 0.0054)。F群では,RIB-DCコアを用いた試験片の破壊荷重は,GFP-DCを用いた試験片(p = 0.0019)およびDCを用いた試験片(p = 0.0001)よりも有意に高かった。さらに,GFP-DCの破壊荷重はDCの破壊荷重よりも有意に高かった(p = 0.0026)。GFP-DCの試験片は、致命的破壊の発生率が最も高かった(p = 0.0420)。

RESULTS: The means and standard deviations (SD) of fracture loads in Newtons (N) for specimens in the F subgroups were RIB-DC: 465.0 (104.20), GFP-DC: 367.6 (79.59), DC: 275.8 (68.48), and in NF subgroups were RIB-DC: 110.8 (24.33), GFP-DC: 95.6 (25.47), DC: 67.4 (7.46). Specimens with ferrule yielded significantly higher fracture loads than those without ferrule (p = 0.0054). In the F groups, fracture loads of specimens with RIB-DC cores were significantly higher than those with GFP-DC (p = 0.0019) and those with DC (p = 0.0001). Moreover, fracture loads for the GFP-DC were significantly higher than those for the DC (p = 0.0026). The GFP-DC specimens showed the highest incidence of catastrophic failures (p = 0.0420).



CONCLUSIONS: Using fibre-reinforced composite (FRC) cores significantly increased fracture resistance in ETAT with ferrule. The failure modes repairable and possibly repairable were dominant in most specimens.


歯冠構造が不十分なETATを修復する場合、2 mmの歯質フェルールを保存し、FRCでコアを作製することで、耐破折性を向上させ、修復不可能な歯の破折の発生率を減少させることができる。

CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: When restoring ETAT with insufficient coronal tooth structure, preserving 2 mm of tooth structure ferrule and preparing cores with FRC can increase fracture resistance and reduce the incidence of non-repairable catastrophic fractures of teeth.