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J Esthet Restor Dent.2023 Sep;35(6):947-967.


Is surface roughness of direct resin composite restorations material and polisher-dependent? A systematic review.

PMID: 37458370




STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Direct resin composite bonding offers a highly esthetic, minimally invasive option for the treatment of anterior teeth however the challenge to improve their longevity remains. Direct resin composite restorations are limited by the risk of staining which may be influenced by the final surface roughness (Ra) of composite achieved.



PURPOSE: The purpose of this review is to investigate, using a systematic approach, whether the final surface roughness of anterior composite restorations is affected by the interaction between resin composite and polishing systems.


レビューは3名の独立した査読者によって行われ、2021年1月21日までに発表された論文を対象とした。3つの電子データベースを検索した:Medline、Embase、Web of Scienceの3つの電子データベースを検索した。2000年以降に出版され、英語に限定された直接合成樹脂材料のRaに対する研磨方法の定量的効果を評価した研究を対象とした。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The review was conducted by 3 independent reviewers and included articles published up to January 21, 2021. Three electronic databases were searched: Medline, Embase, and Web of Science. Studies assessing a quantitative effect of polishing methods on the Ra of direct composite resin materials published after the year 2000 and restricted to the English language were included.



RESULTS: The database search for the effect of polishing systems on composite materials retrieved 125 eligible studies. Twelve duplicate records were removed. The resulting records were screened using title and abstract leading to 38 reports which were sought for retrieval. Application of eligibility criteria led to 11 studies included in the review. Hand searching of these studies yielded no additional papers.



CONCLUSIONS: There is insufficient evidence to determine whether combination of composite and polisher influences final Ra. More research is required to determine if there is an optimum combination of polisher and composite.



CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Polishing should be completed following planned finishing procedures. The approximation to the final surface and which finishing burs to use, if any, should be considered when planning a restoration. Durafill VS predictably achieves an acceptable Ra by different polishers.