Diagnostic efficacy of cone-beam computed tomography for detection of vertical root fractures in endodontically treated teeth: a systematic review.
PMID: 37264339
BACKGROUND: Vertical root fractures (VRFs) sometimes occur in endodontically treated teeth. They have a difficult diagnosis and a dismal result. The objective of this review was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) for detecting VRFs in teeth that had undergone endodontic treatment.
2000年から2022年のWeb of Science、PubMed、Cochrane Review、SCOPUS、Embaseのデータベースから文献をレビューした。検索キーワードは、"歯内治療歯"、"コーンビームCT"、"CBCT"、"歯牙破折"、"垂直歯根破折"、"VRF"、"精度"、"感度"、"特異度 "とした。英語の論文のみを対象とした。最終解析では、適格性要件を満たした20件の論文を対象とした。
METHODS: Literature was reviewed from Web of Science, PubMed, Cochrane Review, SCOPUS, and Embase databases between 2000 and 2022. The searched keywords included "endodontically treated teeth," "cone-beam computed tomography," "CBCT," "tooth fracture," "vertical root fracture," "VRF," "accuracy," "sensitivity," and "specificity." Only articles in the English language were included. The final analysis included 20 papers that satisfied the eligibility requirements.
歯内療法を行った歯において、根充材が存在し、根管内ポストが存在しない場合の VRF 検出における CBCT の診断感度および特異度の全体の平均値±SD 値(%)は、それぞれ 71.50±22.19、75.64±19.41 であった。根充材および根管内ポスト存在下でのVRF検出に対するCBCTの感度の平均値(SD)は72.76(18.73)、特異度の平均値(SD)は75.44(18.26)であった。CBCTの精度(平均±SD)は、根管内支柱のない歯と支柱のある歯でそれぞれ78.47±17.19%と74.02±10.64%であった。
RESULTS: The overall mean ± SD values (%) for the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of CBCT for detection of VRFs in endodontically treated teeth in the presence of root-filling materials without an intracanal post were 71.50 ± 22.19 and 75.64 ± 19.41, respectively. The overall mean (SD) value (%) for the sensitivity of CBCT for the detection of VRFs in the presence of root-filling materials and intracanal posts was 72.76 (18.73), while the mean (SD) specificity was 75.44 (18.26). The accuracy of CBCT (mean ± SD) was 78.47 ± 17.19% and 74.02 ± 10.64%, respectively, for teeth without intracanal posts and those with posts.
CONCLUSIONS: Further clinical research is needed to validate the optimum efficiency of CBCT as a diagnostic technique for detecting VRFs in teeth that have had endodontic treatment, given the low sensitivity, significant heterogeneity of studies, and lack of in-vivo studies on the subject.