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Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci.2023 Mar;27(6):2241-2249.


Adjunctive use of different lasers Er, Cr: YSGG, femtosecond, potassium titanyl phosphate and photodynamic therapy on radicular disinfection bonded to glass fiber post.

PMID: 37013742



本研究の目的は、異なるレーザープロトタイプ[Er, Cr:YSGGレーザー(ECYL)、リン酸チタニルカリウムレーザー(KTP)、フェムトセカンドレーザー(FSL)]および光線力学的療法(PDT)により活性化されたクルクミン光増感剤(CP)が、radicular dentinに接着したPre-fabricated fiber reinforced composite (PFRC)ポストの接着強度に及ぼす影響を評価し、比較することである。

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the effect of different laser prototypes [Er, Cr: YSGG laser (ECYL), potassium titanyl phosphate laser (KTP), and Femtosecond laser (FSL)]and curcumin photosensitizer (CP) activated by Photodynamic therapy (PDT) on the bond strength of Pre-fabricated fiber reinforced composite (PFRC) post-bonded to radicular dentin.


合計50本の下顎単根性閉鎖歯尖歯を慎重に抜歯し、組み立て、セメントエナメル接合部まで装飾した。その後、クラウンダウンアプローチを用いてProtaper NiTiシステムで清掃・成形し、乾燥後、AH Plusシーラーを用いてガッタパーチャで封鎖した。ポストスペースは、ピーソリーマーを用いて作製した。消毒方法に基づき、サンプルを無作為に5つのグループ(n=10)に割り付けた。グループ1のサンプルはPDTで活性化したクルクミン光増感剤(CP)、グループ2のサンプルは5.25%NaOCl+17%EDTA、5.25%NaOCl+17%EDTA+FSLで消毒したグループ3の検体、5.25%NaOCl+17%EDTA+KTPで滅菌したグループ4の検体、5.25%NaOCl+17%EDTA+ECYLで洗浄したグループ5の検体である。ファイバーポストはセルフエッチレジンセメントでポストスペースに固定した。ポストを装着した全試料を、先端象牙質、中間象牙質、および歯冠象牙質に垂直に剥離し、万能試験機を用いてプッシュアウトボンドストレングス(PBS)試験を行った。統計分析は、一元配置分散分析およびPost Hoc Tukey多重比較検定を用いて行った。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of fifty mandibular single-rooted closed apex teeth were extracted carefully, assembled, and decoronated up to the cementoenamel junction. The working length of all specimens was determined by using a 10 K patency file and later, were cleaned and shaped with Protaper NiTi system using the crown down approach, dried, and obturated with gutta-percha using an AH Plus sealer. Post space was prepared by guiding peeso-reamer. Based on the method of disinfection, the samples were allocated to five groups (n=10) at random: samples in group 1: curcumin photosensitizer (CP) activated by PDT, samples in group 2 disinfected using 5.25% NaOCl+17% EDTA, samples in group 3 disinfected using 5.25% NaOCl+17% EDTA+FSL, specimens in group 4 sterilized using 5.25% NaOCl+17% EDTA+KTP and samples in group 5 cleaned with 5.25% NaOCl+17% EDTA+ECYL. The fiber post was cemented via self-etch resin cement into the post space. All specimens with posts were dissected perpendicularly into apical, middle, and coronal dentin and subjected to the universal testing machine for push-out bond strength (PBS) testing. Statistical analysis was performed using a One-Way analysis of variance and Post Hoc Tukey multiple comparison tests.



RESULTS: The highest PBS was corroborated when the radicular canal was disinfected with 5.25% NaOCl +17% EDTA+ ECYL at all three root levels (coronal, middle, and apical) and the lowest was adjudicated by decontamination with CP activated by PDT at all inspected root levels. Intergroup comparison presented that specimens in group 2: 5.25% NaOCl+17% EDTA (control) and group 4: 5.25% NaOCl+17% EDTA+KTP revealed comparable PBS outcome to group 5 (p>0.05) while samples in group 3 revealed the equivalent PBS values to group 1 (p<0.05) at all three root levels.


Er, Cr:YSGGレーザーとリン酸チタニルカリウムレーザーを、従来の5.25%NaOClと17%EDTAによる管内消毒と併用した場合、根の歯冠レベル、中間レベル、および根尖レベルで最高の押し出し接着強さを示した。

CONCLUSIONS: Er, Cr: YSGG laser and potassium titanyl phosphate laser when used in combination with the conventional canal disinfection 5.25% NaOCl and 17% EDTA demonstrated the highest push-out bond strength values at coronal, middle, and apical levels of the root.