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Auris Nasus Larynx.2023 Dec;50(6):880-886.


Preventive effects of skin protectants on the development of medical device-related pressure wounds in endoscopic sinonasal surgery.

PMID: 36906471




OBJECTIVES: Medical device-related pressure ulcer (MDRPU) is a skin or subcutaneous tissue injury caused by medical devices. Skin protectants have been used to prevent MDRPU in other fields. In endoscopic sinonasal surgery (ESNS), rigid endoscopes and forceps can cause MDRPU; however, detailed investigations have not been conducted. This study aimed to investigate the frequency of MDRPU in ESNS and the preventive effects of skin protectants METHODS: Thirty-nine patients who received ESNS and consented to study participation were randomly assigned to the "protective agent" (n = 18) or "control" (n = 21) group. MDRPU presence around the nostril was evaluated for up to 7 days post-surgically based on physical findings and subjective symptoms. The occurrence ratio and severity of MDRPU were statistically compared between the groups to evaluate the efficacy of skin protective agents.


National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panelの分類によると、Stage 1のMDRPUは20.5%(8/39例)に認められ、それ以上の高悪性度の潰瘍形成を認めた患者はいなかった。術後2日目と3日目に、皮膚の紅斑は主に鼻底に観察され、保護剤投与群では比較的低い発生率であった。術後2日目および3日目には、保護剤投与群で鼻孔底の有意な疼痛軽減が観察された。

RESULTS: Stage 1 MDRPU, according to the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel classification, was seen in 20.5% (8/39) of the patients, and no patient had more high-grade ulceration. On postoperative days 2 and 3, skin erythema was predominantly observed on the nasal floor, with a comparatively lower incidence in the protective agent group. Significant pain reduction was observed in the nostril's floor on postoperative days 2 and 3 in the protective agent group.



CONCLUSIONS: MDRPU occurred with a relatively high frequency around the nostrils after ESNS. Protective agent use in the external nostrils was effective especially in reducing post-operative pain on the nasal floor, where tissue damage can easily occur due to device-related friction.