Influence of the technical parameters of CBCT image acquisition on vertical root fracture diagnosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
PMID: 36700991
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the influence of image acquisition parameters (voxel, FOV, kVp, mA) on the accuracy of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in detecting vertical root fracture (VRF).
主な6つのデータベースと灰色文献を言語や年代の制限なく検索した。ヒトの歯における VRF の検出における CBCT の精度(感度、特異度)を調査する場合に は、観察的臨床研究(OCS)および試験管内抜去歯(IV)研究を包含対象とした。バイアスリスクはQUADAS-2を用いて評価し、メタアナリシスはReview Manager v5.4とJamovi v1.6を用いて行った。
MATERIAL AND METHODS: Searches were performed in 6 main databases and the gray literature, without restrictions of language or date. Observational clinical studies (OCS) and in vitro-extracted teeth (IV) studies were considered eligible for inclusion when investigating the accuracy (sensitivity, specificity) of CBCT in detecting VRF in human teeth. The risk of bias was assessed using QUADAS-2, and a meta-analysis was performed using Review Manager v5.4 software and Jamovi software v1.6.
RESULTS: A total of 60 out of 132 articles was included after fulfilling the eligibility criteria. Of these, 54 were IV studies while 6 were OCS. In the IV studies, it was seen that smaller FOV sizes tended to present higher accuracy values. The meta-analysis of the 6 OCS showed that the overall sensitivity and specificity values for 0.08 mm and 0.1 mm voxels were greater (0.84 and 0.79, respectively) than the sensitivity and specificity values for 0.125 mm and 0.2 mm voxels (0.70 and 0.55, respectively).
CONCLUSIONS: Despite the uncertain risk of bias found for the IV and OCS studies, smaller voxel and FOV sizes seem to provide more accurate VRF detection values when using CBCT.
この情報は、VRFが臨床的に疑われる症例においてCBCTを処方する際に臨床医をサポートするために極めて重要であり、CBCT処方のパーソナライゼーションに貢献し、それによってVRF診断の精度をより確実にする。登録 このプロトコルはPROSPEROデータベース(International Prospective Register of Systematic Review)に登録番号CRD42020210118で登録された。
CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This information is crucial for supporting the clinician when prescribing CBCT in cases of a clinical suspicion of VRF, and contributes to the personalization of the CBCT prescription, thereby ensuring greater accuracy in the VRF diagnosis. Registration This protocol was registered at the PROSPERO database (International Prospective Register of Systematic Review) under registration number CRD42020210118.