Shear bond strength of resin bonded zirconia and lithium disilicate - effect of surface treatment of ceramics and dentin.
PMID: 35187499
本研究の目的は,せん断接着強さに及ぼすセラミックス表面前処理,レジンセメントの影響および象牙質表面粗さの影響を検討することである. ジルコニア棒(=140)は,酸化アルミニウム(AlO)によるエアボーン粒子磨耗と二フッ化水素カリウム(KHF)によるホットエッチングに無作為に割り付けられた.フッ化水素酸でエッチングした二ケイ酸リチウムロッド(LDS; =50)を参照材料とした。第1報では,5種類のデュアルポリマー型レジンセメント(Variolink Esthetic, Multilink Automix(Ivoclar Vivadent), Duo-Link(BISCO Dental), Panavia F2.0(Claray Dental), RelyX Unicem(3M))で牛歯象牙質にセメントを充填した後,セラミックロッドを接着させた.せん断接着強さを試験し,破断形態を決定した.第2部では,セメントと象牙質との接着破壊頻度が最も高い試験群を選び,象牙質の表面粗さ(P1200またはP80炭化ケイ素紙で研磨)を変えてさらに接着強さの試験を行った.象牙質試料をセメント表面に垂直に破断させ,セメントと象牙質の接着性を検討した. Part 1の結果,ジルコニアのホットエッチングにより,デュオリンクセメントとの接着強さが有意に向上した.Part2では,RelyX UnicemはP80研削象牙質に対して,P1200に対して有意に高い接着強さを示した.バリオリンクエステティックは,P1200とP80研削象牙質に対して同程度の接着強さを示した.セメントと象牙質間の接着破壊が支配的であった. 象牙質表面が平滑な場合(P1200)には,RelyX Unicemに対する接着強さが向上した.バリオリンクエステティックでは表面粗さは重要でなかった.
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of ceramic surface pretreatment, effect of resin cement and dentin surface roughness on shear bond strength. Zirconia rods ( = 140) were randomly assigned to air born particle abrasion with aluminum oxide (AlO) or hot etching with potassium hydrogen difluoride (KHF). Lithium disilicate rods (LDS; = 50) etched with hydrofluoric acid served as reference material. In Part 1 of the study, ceramic rods were cemented to bovine dentin using 5 dual-polymerizing resin cements (Variolink Esthetic, Multilink Automix (Ivoclar Vivadent), Duo-Link (BISCO Dental), Panavia F2.0 (Kuraray Dental), RelyX Unicem (3 M)). Shear bond strength was tested and fracture morphology determined. In Part 2 of the study, test groups with the highest frequency of adhesive fractures between cement and dentin were selected for further bond strength testing with different surface roughness of dentin; ground with P1200 or P80 silicon carbide paper. Dentin samples were fractured vertically to the cemented surface and the adherence between cement and dentin was studied. The results of Part 1 showed that hot etching of zirconia significantly improved bond strength to Duo-Link cement. In Part 2, RelyX Unicem showed significantly higher bond strength to P1200 compared to P80 ground dentin. For Variolink Esthetic, bond strengths to P1200 and P80 ground dentin were similar. Adhesive fracture between cement and dentin dominated. A smooth dentin surface (P1200) improved bond strength to RelyX Unicem. Surface roughness was not important for Variolink Esthetic.