Comparison of the sealing ability of various bioceramic materials for endodontic surgery.
PMID: 34513641
Endosequence Bioceramic Root Repair Material(BC-RRM)は、歯内療法のマイクロサージェリーで使用されます。BC-RRMには,ペーストとパテがあります。しかし,これまでの研究では,これらの形態を単独または組み合わせて根端充填材として使用した場合の封鎖能力を検討したものはない。そこで本研究では,これら2つの形態のBC-RRMのシーリング特性を比較することを目的とした。
Objectives: Endosequence Bioceramic Root Repair Material (BC-RRM) is used in endodontic microsurgery. It is available as a paste and a putty. However, no studies to date have examined the sealing ability of these forms alone or in combination as root-end filling materials. Hence, this study aimed to compare the sealing properties of these 2 forms of BC-RRM.
抜歯した上顎前歯42本を3つの実験群,ポジティブコントロールとネガティブコントロールに分けた。根管治療後,歯根端を切除してレトロプレパレーションを行い,パテ,ペースト+パテ,三酸化ミネラル骨材(MTA)のいずれかでレトロフィルを行った。歯をチューブに装着し,先端3mmをBrain Heart Infusion(BHI)ブロスに浸漬した。歯管の冠状部分にBHIブロスを接種し、30日間培養した。チューブ内のブロスを分析してコロニー形成単位を調べ、管からの細菌の漏出を確認した。各グループの歯を切開し,走査型電子顕微鏡(SEM)で分析した。データの解析には,Kruskal-Wallis検定と分散分析を用い,有意水準<0.05とした.
Materials and Methods: Forty-two extracted upper anterior teeth were divided into 3 experimental groups, a positive and negative control. After the root canal treatment, the root ends were resected, retroprepared and retrofilled with either putty, paste + putty or mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). The teeth were mounted in tubes so the apical 3 mm was submerged in Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) broth. The coronal portions of the canals were inoculated with and BHI broth and incubated for 30 days. The broth in the tubes was analyzed for colony forming units to check for leakage of bacteria from the canal. The teeth from the groups were sectioned and analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The Kruskal-Wallis test and analysis of variance were used to analyze the data with a significance level < 0.05.
Results: The BC-RRM and MTA groups showed similar sealing ability. The positive control showed leakage in all samples. The SEM imaging showed the presence of bacteria in all experimental groups at the material-tooth interface.
Conclusions: No significant differences were noted in the experimental groups, providing sufficient evidence that any combination could be effectively used during endodontic microsurgery.